Looking for Work

Whether you are currently working, unemployed or in education, the process of finding and applying for a job is relatively similar. 

Looking for work requires a twin approach of a positive attitude and careful planning. Job hunting can be hard work but it can also be a journey of discovery. Your attitude and commitment to the process and your levels of motivation to succeed will have an effect on your chances of finding employment.

Being well prepared and understanding that the job search process is a journey will help you feel much more confident in managing your own career path. 

Overcoming negative attitudes

There are many reasons why someone might struggle to keep a positive attitude when it comes to finding a job. Your confidence may be low if you have been unemployed, you may be unhappy in your current job, you could be worried about money, you could be anxious about how your qualifications measure up or you could be afraid of rejection.

Confidence is a vital element when looking for a job - employers want to employ people who believe in themselves. If you feel that you cannot succeed due to age, education or your previous employment history then you may feel defeated by your negative thoughts before you even begin your job search.

Identify the work that suits you You are a unique individual with your own blend of Career Interests and Career Skills and there is a wide variety of career areas that will suit you. If you can focus in on those career areas that interest you, or that you already have some skills developed, you will have more motivation, confidence and a much more positive attitude to your job search.

On the other hand, if you don't know what kind of work you're looking for, you risk taking jobs you don't like or aren't well suited for. Targeting your job search is much more effective than widely distributing hundreds of CV's to random companies. To help you identify what you are interested in, create a Career File on this site, and use the Career Interest Profiler to match occupations to your interests. Also, take some time to complete some self-assessment exercises to assist you in having a broader understanding of yourself.

Recognise your transferrable skills. If you think you're only qualified to work at what you're trained for or have done in the past, you may be unnecessarily limiting your options and not recognising the potential of the skills that you possess. Switching careers is very much part and parcel of a modern career journey and employers place a great deal of importance on transferrable skills. For example, teachers have communication skills, organisational skills and leadership skills. Hairstylists must be skilled at making customers feel comfortable, marketing products, dealing with cash and working efficiently. These skills are required in many types of work, and could easily be transferred to different jobs that also require such skills.

To help you find out what skills you have that could transfer to other kinds of work, download our Career Skills worksheet and complete the self-assessment exercise.

Planning a Job Search

In order to take your job search seriously, you need to understand where to look and how to increase your chances of finding suitable roles. Some of the key ways to find jobs are-

- Use online Job Search platforms.

- Build upon and use your own network. Make your contacts aware you are looking.

- Make productive use of social media. Create a LinkedIn profile, follow companies social media accounts.

- Contact companies directly and attend job fairs.

Create a ‘live, working document’ of your CV. It can be extremely important how you present your CV when applying for a job as very often shortlisting will occur based on how well a CV matches what a company is looking for. Your CV should therefore not be a one-size-fits-all document. Ideally, your CV and any subsequent application should be tailored and matched to each individual job to enhance the chances of getting to interview stage. Check the job specification in the job advertisement and then frame your CV and application accordingly. Check the experience and skills that are required for the role and find examples from your past history that highlight your suitability.

For much more information and a comprehensive overview of the job search process can be found in our Searching for Jobs section.

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