Growing Your Career

Throughout life, and in particular throughout your career journey, you will develop a wide range of skills and gain valuable experience. Some of these may be unique to a particular job or role, however, most will be transferable and can be used across a range of jobs. Just because you feel that you are ‘settled’ into whatever role you choose doesn’t, however, mean that you will remain satisfied indefinitely.

Life changes things at times and our needs and desires can also change. You may feel the need to challenge yourself more or to try something new and to develop more as a person. Lifelong learning is very much a part of a modern career path and it is more and more becoming a necessity rather than a choice.

There are several ways and things you can do that can help maximise your development and grow your career. so as to improve your satisfaction levels for the future. You could avail of any Continuous Professional Development (CPD) or training courses that your employer may offer or you could study a part time course or look to upskill with a Springboard course. Even taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill can help open up new doors.

For more information on returning to learning and upskilling to help grow your career, see our Adult Education section.


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