Using STEM to understand ourselves

Using STEM to understand ourselves

Data Analytics adds value

“I work at DCU developing new technologies to help us understand ourselves. We develop smarter methods for the collection of information about a person’s health and performance including those related to moods, decisions and physical well-being — all with their consent. With these varied datasets we use artificial intelligence, or AI, to make sense of what we have measured.

With this approach we are exploring new ways to assess mood disorders, provide advanced warnings of seizure for those with epilepsy and to understand pain and fatigue patterns among different populations. I am also interested in learning more about how people make decisions in the real world outside the laboratory, especially in the context of financial choices.

To do this, we work with doctors, nurses, psychologists, engineers, chemists, social scientists, behavioural economists, experts in computers and statistics, as well as patients and their families.”

Professor Tomas Ward, AIB Chair in Data Analytics, DCU.

To read more about the Computers and ICT sector, click here. Use the occupational database to further research careers in Data.

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Article brought to you by "A World of Opportunities: How Science, Technology and Engineering are Transforming the Careers of the Future" published by Dublin City University. 

Prof Tomas Ward, DCU
