What Can I do with a Degree in Engineering?

What Can I do with a Degree in Engineering?

Engineers design and innovate. They take ideas and make them a reality. Engineers face a problem, work through ideas and then come up with an innovative solution. Science gives us an understanding of the world but engineers take this knowledge and bring it to life. Their work spans across a broad range of career sectors. Their work is meaningful and makes a real impact on society and the world we live in, constantly making improvements to and working towards more practical and cost effective solutions.

Who is suited to Engineering?

  • Do you wonder how things work?
  • Do you enjoy problem solving? Suggesting new ideas and ways of doing things?
  • Are you always looking to make improvements to things?
  • Are you methodical – do you picture situations and analyse in steps?

If you answered YES to one or more of the above questions you might be suited to a career in engineering. Engineers work in various sectors; ICT, science, construction, electronics, mechanics and many more industries. Although the work is varied the skills required for engineering remain much the same. Engineers are problem solvers; they may be working on computer software in an office, on a construction site or in a science laboratory but wherever they are working you can bet they are using knowledge to come up with innovative solutions to make improvements to projects.

Engineers are rational thinkers and logical decision makers. Many engineers come from science and maths backgrounds. Engineers are problem solvers and calculators, therefore it is important to have good maths ability. Being creative is also an important quality as engineers are often called on for elements of design. Engineers usually work as part of a team so it is necessary to have good organisation and communication skills.

There are many benefits to working in engineering roles. The work is usually challenging and stimulating. The skills you will use in your work are applicable to various other careers. Your work is meaningful as you are making an impact on society and developing new products. And if that isn’t enough to keep you interested, the roles are usually quite lucrative, so your pockets will be well lined too!

Are Engineers in Demand?

There is an acute shortage of engineers in Ireland at present. There are not enough to meet the current or future needs of the country so there is lots of opportunities out there for engineering graduates. The booming construction sector along with technology, pharmaceutical and computer industries are fuelling this engineering crisis. Check out some of the interesting facts below that highlight the dependence Ireland has on engineers:

  • Ireland’s booming technology sector currently employs over 100,000 people,
  • 250 medical technology companies are based in Ireland employing 25,000 people,
  • 160 games companies employ 3,300 people,
  • Ireland is home to nine of the top 10 software companies,
  • Nine of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies are based here,
  • 12 of the top 20 global internet firms are located in Ireland,
  • Ireland is home to seven of the top 10 industrial automation companies.

Careers in Engineering

Engineering is a broad and diverse field with many different disciplines. Below is a sample of occupations that are currently experiencing shortages.

Automation Engineer: Engaged in the design, development and implementation of sensor and robotic systems for applications the technology sector.

Chemical Engineer: Many industries depend on chemical processes, particularly manufacturing and natural resource industries. These processes require chemical engineers who can safely design and execute design chemical processes. Often the key process in Chemical Engineering is taking raw materials and turning them into a useful output. After graduating as a chemical engineer, you may find most opportunities are in intensive industrial and mining operations. Examples include oil extraction and refining, most power generation based on fossil fuels or nuclear power, plastic and polymer manufacturing and recycling.

Civil Engineers: design the physical infrastructure that surrounds us. Roads, bridges, airports, railways and other significant construction projects are built and maintained with the input of civil engineers. The most common areas civil engineers will work in are construction and the public sector, here they will go about shaping the built environment that surrounds us. Utilities companies also have significant demand for the talents of civil engineers, managing the infrastructure necessary to generate electricity and deliver it to homes and business.

Electrical engineers can find themselves working on the design and construction of power lines, in the control and management of power stations, or in the design and installation of electrical systems and machinery, such as transformers, electric motors and power electronics.

Mechanical engineers work with machines. They are involved at all stages of a machine’s lifecycle, designing, manufacturing and maintaining them as well as guiding their operation. The options open to you after graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering are almost endless. Many will go on to work in manufacturing of some form, with almost every manufacturing or other industrial operation requiring the input of mechanical engineers.

Production and Process Engineer develop economical industrial processes that make the huge range of products on which modern society depends, e.g: food and drink; fuel; artificial fibres; pharmaceuticals; chemicals; electronics, plastics; and clean water.

Computer Software Engineers traditionally work on the most complex types of software, including operating systems, while analyst/applications programmers work on software used to carry out business activities, such as managing a payroll. However, these career titles are becoming increasingly used to describe both types of work.  

For a full list of engineering occupations click here. If you want to find a course in engineering click here. To find out more information on engineering, you can read articles and watch videos here.  





The CareersPortal Team
