Fire Fighter & First Responder

Fire Fighter & First Responder

Nicole is 19 years old and volunteers with the Blessington Community First Responders and works as a Retained Fire Fighter with Wicklow Fire Service as well as being successful in her application for Deputy Manager position in her local ALDI store. After completing her leaving certificate Nicole progressed to a 3rd level degree course. She realised that this particular path was not for her and decided to explore her options elsewhere. This is her story:

Wicklow Fire Service

When did you graduate from Blessington Community College? 

What did you do after school?  
I choose to study Sports Science and Health which was a level 8 in TUDublinTallaght Campus.

Why did you decide to change direction and leave the course?

I joined the Community First Responders in August 2018. I really enjoyed being on call and enjoyed being there to help people in such difficult times in their life which gave me a great sense of purpose and meaning.

I began to look into the Emergency Services as a career option. In January 2019, I began an EMT Course (Emergency Medical Technician) and I was inspired when I started learning about emergency response when I spoke to some Fire Fighters that were also undertaking the course. I decided that I really wanted to become a Firefighter as I felt that I wasn’t learning stuff that I was interested about in college.

In April 2019, the fire service in Blessington began a recruitment campaign. I applied and was successful in my application.

Wicklow Fire Service During Training

After your application, what were the next steps and how was your experience?

I had to part take in physical ability suitability test and a written exam, then progressing onto an interview. I then gained a place on the recruitment class 2019. (QQI level 6 accredited). It was a three week intensive recruits course that involved physical, practical and theoretical skills assessments including fire fighting skills and road traffic collision training. Being the only female on the course the first few days I was very apprehensive about if I would make it through successfully, but I passed with flying colours and was placed top on my recruitment class. 

Training for Road Traffic Collisons

I believe it is a great career with huge career progression possibilities and I feel privileged every day to carry my pager for my community. In August 2019, I began working in Blessington Fire Service as a retained fire fighter. This means that I am on call 24/7, 365 days a year and have to be ready to respond in a matter of minutes. This is huge commitment but casual leave can be organised and I feel job satisfaction won't be found greater in any other line of work.

In February 2020, I undertook a two week intensive breathing apparataus training, it was physically and mentally very challenging and demanding. I also recently completed Hazmat and Swift Water BoatRescue training.

I would recommend the fire service to any woman or man as I believe it has being great for my confidence and character building.

What is involved in being an Community First Responder

Community First Responders is a community and voluntary based group throughout the country. We operate in co-ordination with the National Ambulance Service to assist them on cardiac related calls such as chest pain, cardiac arrest and strokes. It is vital to have these groups especially in rural areas where ambulance arrival may be prolonged due to high pressure on emergency services throughout the country. We operate on a rota basis with trained volunteers putting themselves forward to fill a series of time slots throughout the week. 

Blessington Community First Responders

What Leaving Cert subjects & Extracurricular Activities did you undertake in Blessington Community College and how have they helped you?

Subjects: Geography, Biology, Spanish, & Business.

Whilst in school I was very active inside the school community and also in the outside community. I played for Wicklow GAA at county level throughout my years in school. 

I also hold a black belt in kickboxing and continue today to train and teach the young kids in the club. I believe these disciplines have benefited me greatly in my determination for completing a tough recruit course to get into the job I am in today.

What do you enjoy most about your job and what are your hopes for the future?

Alongside being on the brigade I also work in Aldi in Blessington. I have been there just over a year and recently I had the opportunity to sit a series of tests to become a Deputy Manager.

I successfully completed the exams and have been working in the a role as Deputy Manager for a few months now. Aldi have been hugely supportive of my dual career with Wicklow Fire Service and the fact that I carry my pager 24/7.

I love the variety in my work and I am excited to see what the future holds for my career.

Read all about the Blessington Community First Responder Unit in the Irish Independent here.

Nicole Walsh
