My Job as a Manufacturing Technician at Intel

I came into my current role as a grad recruit, but this isn’t my first time as an Intel employee. I worked here years ago, in the ‘90s! I was in college when Intel came through with a roadshow and conducted open interviews. I applied and, to my surprise, I was offered a position. I realised then that computers were the future, so I decided to take the job. A little while later, I went back to school to complete my Level 7, but midway through, I found out I was pregnant with my first child. In 2005, after the birth of my second child, I took a career break to stay home with my kids.

Since then, I have worked a few jobs with other companies, but I just never got that ‘at home’ feeling I had at Intel. When I looked into positions here, I saw that they were searching for recent college grads to come on board. This motivated me to complete my Manufacturing Level 7. When I applied at Intel again, I got the position! To be honest, I was a little bit anxious about my return. So much had changed, would I be in over my head? But I shouldn’t have worried—the technology may have progressed, but the Intel processes and mindset were the same.

HR was hugely supportive during my on-boarding. I was also given a buddy—someone on the floor who gave me tips along the way. To be honest, networking was probably the biggest help when I first started here again; knowing faces, having people to say hi to, and making new friends. When I needed support, I had people to go to. And really, it’s amazing how quickly the work becomes familiar. Intel provides excellent training and they take feedback, which is very beneficial for the next round of trainees.

My current role is worked in 12-hour shifts. I cover a month of days followed by a month of nights. At first, I was nervous about returning to shift work. But now, I love it! You have two days off during the week when everyone else is in work—shopping centres are so quiet on Monday mornings. Best of all, we never need to hire childcare. My husband also works shifts at Intel and, as a result, one of us is always able to be home with our kids.

My job is fulfilling. I love the sense of accomplishment I feel whenever I complete my task list. The culture here is great, too. It’s very inclusive and diverse. I work with people from all over the world! New ideas are encouraged and management have an open-door policy. We are offered all sorts of financial incentives and savings packages. Best of all, we are encouraged to continue developing and progressing as individuals. Intel supports continued education, which I think is wonderful.

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