Manager - Arigna Mining Experience

Valerie Stenson

What is your background/ where did your career start?

I worked in retail in Dublin for 16 years, having started in a part-time position for a few years then I was promoted to an assistant manager and finally a retail manager. I relocated from Dublin to Leitrim in 2000 where I worked as an employment facilitator for four years. I spotted an ad for manager of Arigna Mining Experience. I thought it looked very interesting and knew it would give me an opportunity to develop the business and meet new people. It’s also located in the area that my mother lived as a young woman before moving to Dublin so I had family in the area.

What does your current role entail?

My duties as Manager of the centre include everything from meeting tourists and visitors to our local area, to business development, managing staff and volunteers, as well as marketing. It is really varied.

What makes your career different to other people’s?

My position is very varied and each day is different. It provides opportunities to network with other local businesses and providers and to meet visitors from different parts of the world. I take every opportunity I can to further develop the centre. It has helped me to develop a wide range of skills that you might not necessarily get the opportunity to do in other roles.

At Arigna Mining Experience, we have tour guides who were once miners! This shows how tourism is a really versatile industry where there are many jobs that are suitable for people with a range of different skillsets.

How does your job fit with your lifestyle?

I live locally and our centre is located in a beautiful scenic location over Lough Allen so I enjoy taking a walk at lunchtime. This really is a lovely location in which to work and it’s great to have the opportunity to work in a fulfilling career in the part of Ireland I want to live, something which makes tourism unique as a career.

What skills have you developed in your career in tourism?

I have further developed my marketing and networking skills as this position is all about effective networking.

What characteristics do you need to succeed in tourism?

I feel you need to be out-going with a pleasant disposition, willing to work with colleagues in the sector and willing to learn from colleagues and other providers. You also need to try different things to further develop your business.

What advice would you offer someone considering joining tourism?

I think that you should remain open- minded, be willing to learn from more experienced personnel in the sector and keep trying new things…

Tourism Manager is a very wide and varied role but also very rewarding when you see the growth in business and when you receive very positive feedback from visitor experiences.

I would recommend a career in tourism if you are looking for a career with a difference.

Fáilte Ireland
