TCPID Graduate - Fidelity Investments

TCPID Graduate Dairine O'Rourke on Trinity College, Fidelity Investments and COVID 19. 

Dairine graduated from the Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice in Trinity College Dublin in June 2018. Since that date, she has been working with our TCPID Business Partner Fidelity Invesments. Following a hugely successful graduate internship, Dairine was offered a permanent contract with Fidelity at the end of 2019.  

Dairine is very much looking forward to returning to work once the current COVID 19 crisis is over. In the meantime, she is staying in contact with her Fidelity team through online meetings. In this video, Dairine talks about how she is dealing with the COVID 19 crisis.

Tell us a little about yourself and your background

My name is Dáiríne O’Rourke. I am almost 25 years old and I live in Celbridge Co Kildare with my Mom and my dog Lincoln.

My brother Fiach lives in the UK. I have a permanent job in Fidelity Investments in CityWest. I work 2 days a week, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I do a computer class on Mondays and I have a support worker who helps me with independence and life skills on Thursdays.

I am in two Special Olympics clubs and I am part of a theatre group in Celbridge called the Run of the Mill youth theatre. I have a good life. Why did you decide to come to Trinity College Dublin to complete the Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice (ASIAP)?

When I left school I wanted to work in an office because I’m good on computers and I like to be accurate. So I needed to do a course to get a qualification, but the colleges I applied to didn’t think I would be able for the courses, so I did Rehabilitative Training in the CRC for a year.

Then I applied to Trinity for the ASIAP Course and I was delighted to get a place.

What did you enjoy most about the ASIAP course?

I loved the Expressive Arts module because I like writing stories and I also enjoyed the Entrepreneurship module especially coming up with the business idea and I just loved being a Trinity College student, going to the Buttery and to the sports centre to train with Gareth.

What did you find difficult?

Sign Language was the most difficult module because I found it hard to put my hands in the right position for the signs because I have Dyspraxia. And also Learning Theory and Practice was difficult because the language was hard to understand.

What helped you during your time in Trinity College Dublin?

Barbara was a great help to me getting me to speak up and ask the lecturers for help like sending me the notes from the lectures because I can’t listen and take notes at the same time. My Mom and my Support Workers were a great support to me too.

What would your advice be to other students who might be considering applying for the Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Practice?

Work hard at school, go to the open day and talk to any of the graduates. The course is hard but the lecturers are all lovely so ask for help when you need it. Enjoy going to the Buttery and to the Sports Centre.

Tell us about your role and your team in Fidelity Investments?

I am a Representative for Fidelity Investments. I work on Excel reports, checking the accuracy of financial information. I work with four different teams. The people I do reports for are Trish, Saugat, Donal and Cliona. Donal taught me how to programme Roisín the Robot and we had good fun watching how fast she can do the reports. I also do an Excel spreadsheet for the managers showing where staff will be the next week and stick it up at the end of each of their workstations. My mentors are Gemma and Lynn. Gemma is on maternity leave at the moment. They have been a big help to me and I feel part of the team. I also get great support from Marie in Trinity and it’s nice to keep in touch with the Centre. Since the COVID 19 lockdown I am not able to go into the office but my boss Ger was in touch and I will be doing Zoom meetings once a week with my colleagues. I am happy about that because I want to keep in touch with them.

What do you enjoy the most about working in Fidelity Investments?

I am thrilled to have a permanent job. That’s what I always wanted and I’m like my friends and cousins who are working. I love the work because it’s mostly on Excel and I also like going out on the nights out with my colleagues!

What new skills have you learnt during your time in Fidelity Investments?
I have learnt how to work with other people. I have learnt how to be responsible for getting myself ready for work. I have learnt how to be responsible for my security pass and for using it properly. I have learnt how to talk to my manager. I’ve also learnt how to programme Roisin the Robot to do reports. Roisin sits on my desk and she is green like Fidelity colour.

How did you feel when you were told that you had been made permanent in Fidelity Investments?
I was thrilled and really proud of myself and it is my dream come true!

What are your goals for the future?
I want to keep on working. I would like to learn how to drive. I want to have a nice group of friends and people who love me and respect me and I’d like to visit Rome, when the Covid 19 virus is gone.

