TCPID Graduate - A&L Goodbody

After Graduation in November 2011, I became a volunteer in my local Parish and Community and continue to volunteer to this day. During this time I sent out several CVs to various places seeking employment, unfortunately got no replies.

Then one day I sent an e-mail to Dawn Leane at Chartered Accountants Ireland whom I met during my time at Trinity College. Almost immediately a reply came with a time and date for an interview, which went very well and I was offered a position of a general operative on the Conferencing and Facilities Team.

I was happily working there for eight months where I gained valuable experience, but due to the downturn in the economy I was let go along with other staff members. Chartered Accountants gave me a wonderful reference and armed with that I started to send out my CV again! During my time in Trinity College, I had the great pleasure of meeting Mr. Hugo Mac Neill, as I was the course ambassador at the time. He became a good friend and mentor to me.

We always kept in touch, and on one of our meetings I gave him my CV and reference. He said he would see what he could do and hand it on! Shortly an e-mail came from Mr. David Baxter of A&L Goodbody asking me to meet him for breakfast in order to get to know me.

This also went well and not long after I received another e-mail from the H.R. Department of A& L Goodbody for a job interview. I was a little anxious and nervous, but I did a good interview and they offered me a job in the General Services Dept, with a three month rolling contract.

After almost a year in the job, my contract was nearly up. This made me very sad as I was very happy there and loved the work. I decided to approach the head of the department, Pat Doyle and told him how happy and satisfied I was in the job. I asked him if there was a possibility of any further contracts to let me know. Well a couple of weeks later Pat called me in to his office to tell me that I was being kept on and made permanent.

I could not believe this great news. I was overjoyed along with my parents and family. We celebrated for weeks after getting such news. I am very proud to be working for A&L Goodbody, doing two days a week in the Stationary and Post Room. They are a great Company to work for!

