Niall Fretwell BA Event Management student

Niall Fretwell BA Event Management student

Niall Fretwell from Carlingford Co. Louth is a 3rd year BA Event Management student. “The best part about my time at DkIT so far has been my work placement experience. I got the chance to go abroad to Switzerland and work in one of the world’s leading event management companies.

It was one of the best experiences of my life and I got to meet so many people and really grow myself as a professional. Niall believe's his Erasmus+ experience will help him as he takes his next steps in his career.

"I have made international industry connections that I will continue to keep in contact with and will help me in my future career path which is invaluable. My time on placement exponentially grew my confidence in myself and help me furthern develop my capabilities." Niall said his transition back to college after the time abroad was relatively easy.

"All of our lecturers have eased us back in and been extremely helpful. I think I am able to relate better to what my lecturers are talking about because I have experienced it first hand during placement which is a massive benefit”

Niall is a Carlingford native and so DkIT is his nearest and most convenient Higher Education provider. "I drive every day so it usually takes me about 30 minutes. I studied in Dublin before coming to DkIT.

I was there for a year and just didn’t like it. I found it hard to focus on my studies and balance college work and my social life mainly because it wasn’t the environment or the course for me."

"After taking a year out and reassessing my strengths and interests and speaking with my parents about my options and different possible career paths I discovered the BA Event Management course here in DkIT." Niall has a strong family connect to the hospitality sector.

"My parents have over 50 years’ experience in the industry between them, so I would have a good bit of knowledge about the sector. I decided to put it down on my CAO and now I’m in my final year of my level 7 with my eyes set on the BA (Hons) next year.” Best thing about DkIT? "The freedom to pick your own placement with the backing of your lecturers."

