Director of Operations and Strategic Projects at Dell

Gillian Bergin works in Dell as Director of Operations and Strategic Projects. Her background includes from economics, computer science, accounting and Information Systems!
Job title: Director in Centre of Excellence Operations and Strategic Projects
Industry: Tech and ICT
Company: Dell EMC Ireland
Experience: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics & Computer Science. Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting and Management Information Systems and a Masters in Data Business.

What are the most important skills to have when working in Operations?

Project Management, ability to engage with all levels of management, strong presentation skills, ability to multi-task and good communicator.


What’s your favourite thing about your job/work?

The people I work with and the diversity of the job. Every hour of every day presents new challenges and new opportunities. I love that!


Does your job allow you to have a lifestyle you are happy with?

Yes. Work-life balance is something we must all strive towards. I may not always have the balance right and they are times when it swings more one way than the other but in general I try to “be 100% at work when I’m at work and 100% at home when I’m at home”


What subjects did you take in school and did they influence your career path? What was your favourite?

Accounting, French, Geography, History, Business studies/economics. I would have liked to have done Technology for my Leaving Cert but it didn’t exist as a subject back then. My favourites were probably Geography and Business studies/economics



What aspects of your education/experience to-date have proven the most useful for your job today?

Programming, Economics, Project Management and believe it or not – Microsoft Powerpoint!


What advice would you give to someone considering this job?

If you are a “people-person” with a strong work ethic who enjoys challenges and finishes things you start, then this is the job for you. Oh and say Yes to opportunities, even if they don’t seem like a perfect fit at first glance. It’s a word that opens many doors and creates new learning experiences. From an education perspective, a blend of business and technology is a great mix for this type of role.


What kinds of work experience would help someone looking for a position similar to yours?

Work experience in any type of projectised environment – tech or non-tech.


A piece of advice for students?

Work life is so much broader than just academic results so be sure to try as many new experiences as you can by getting involved in student councils, extra-curricular projects or diversity and inclusion groups. Have fun and work hard.

Gillian Bergin
