DCU Graduate - BA Global Business (France)

DCU Graduate - BA Global Business (France)

Ciara Maher, Operations Program Management with Microsoft, tells us about her experience studying Global Business in DCU Business School: 

I chose to study Global Business in DCU Business School as the idea of gaining two degrees, fluency in another language, and undertaking two paid internships appealed to me greatly.

During my two years in DCU, I had the opportunity to make friends from all over the world while living on campus. The atmosphere around campus was always electric. We had tremendous support from our lecturers who prepared us for our move to France. We were lucky that many of our classes were quite small, so we received lots of hands on support in various tutorial classes. They helped us to prepare French CVs and we even had specific modules in French business vocabulary. I believe it is thanks to these small tutorial practical classes that we were so well prepared for our move to the French education system and to studying in a new language.

Many of our exams at both DCU and Neoma were based on French oral presentations. The presentation and language skills I developed at DCU set me up for success in France, and luckily, I obtained a First Class Honours as a result. Without the real life training that DCU offered us, through internships and presentations, I would not have been as well set up for success in my career.

The DCU Careers Service was also a great root of support for my peers and me. Thanks to their help, I obtained a very well paid internship at an international financial services company. The opportunities presented to us as DCU students were phenomenal. I feel that studying at DCU is the main reason I am where I am today!   Global Business certainly set me up extremely well to obtain a permanent contract with a leading technology firm. Most of my colleagues at Microsoft are from different countries: We have over 70 different languages spoken at Microsoft Ireland. The demand for fluency in a foreign language and experience working and living abroad cannot be understated in today’s highly competitive job market.

I began advocating for more investment in DCU graduates since I joined Microsoft. I represented Microsoft at the DCU STEM Career Fair, and I continue to represent DCU alumni amongst my colleagues. I look forward to more DCU graduates joining us at Microsoft in the near future!

The BA in Global Business (France) combines a broad understanding of international business with intercultural experience and work placements.  This degree is unique in that you’ll have the chance to gain fluency in a second language, participate in two work placements, and earn two business degrees in two countries.

You’ll spend your first two years in DCU (including a work placement in Ireland), and then your final two years in Neoma Business School, our partner in France, where you’ll study in the local language and university system. Neoma Business School was formed in 2013 through a merger of Rouen Business School and Reims Management School. It is one of France’s largest and best-known business schools, with 8,000 students across three campuses.

You’ll graduate with two qualifications, one from DCU and one from the partner institution.


