NCAD Applications Open on 23rd July for Autumn Courses

Autumn Non Credit Courses

Applications Open at 12 noon Tuesday 30th July 2024 for Autumn Non credit Courses.
Full course details and how to apply

Join us in autumn 2024, meet other artists and students and become part of a vibrant contemporary art community at NCAD

Booking Your Place.. things you need to know

  • Bookings to be made in the student name and details only
  • Students must be age 16 or over, some courses are for students age 18 years old or over
  • Bookings are online only and on a first come basis
  • Full payment is made on booking
  • If you have been at NCAD previously use your MyNCAD account
  • To reset your password contact [email protected] and include your name, date of birth and 8 digit student ID/reference number
  • New students click to book, then select New Account & keep your password safe
  • If your course of choice is full, we will add a Waitlist
  • Please note that all students are required to have access to a computer, Internet and be familar with Google Classroom (its easy)

Classes start week of 16th September 2024 and run 6.30pm to 9pm 

Portfolio Preparation is from 5pm to 9pm

Before You Apply
Please read the information below on bookings and Terms & Conditions carefully before applying for your autumn non-credit course

Bookings are Online Only
About Autumn Non-credit Courses
The Centre for Continuing Education at NCAD offers a range of non-credit courses in art and design for adults and school leavers (16+) who want to explore their creative potential, learn new skills or develop an on-going practice. Autumn non-credit courses are at different levels. There are introductory courses suitable for beginners or for those considering returning to or progressing within higher education. If you want learn something new you can choose beginners courses. If you have established an arts practice and want to expand and explore your options you can choose advanced courses. Where students are interested in applying to the accredited part-time autumn options or want to progress within art and design, they can consider taking an autumn non-credit course as a way of developing skills and knowledge in a subject area. Please note some courses are only open to students who are 18 years old or over.

Portfolio Preparation courses are suitable for students considering applying to third level undergraduate art and design courses and wish to complete their portfolio.
Applications will be processed only on receipt of full payment of course fee

Autumn 2024 Programmes
Portfolio Preparation
Tutor Michael Lyons

This intensive course is designed to aid school leavers and mature students interested in developing a portfolio for entry to third level art and design education. Students will be encouraged to develop their ideas through research and working on personal projects. Subjects covered include drawing from observation, ideas development, collage, colour work, basic printing and developing a personal project. This is a preparatory course and students should not assume that attending this course will give them an advantage over others who wish to access the NCAD full-time programme.
Students attending this course must be 16 years of age or older
DP 102  
Painting: Landscape and Cityscape Introductory
Tutor Kenneth Donfield
This course is suitable for beginners who are interested in working with watercolours, acrylics or oils and wish to develop skills in drawing and painting landscape and cityscape. Instruction will be provided in drawing and painting techniques including traditional and contemporary approaches. Students are encouraged to develop their ideas and can also work from drawings or photographs.The course commences with exercises to develop drawing skills using a range of materials including charcoal and pastel to enhance understanding of tonal values. The tutor will demonstrate different painting techniques and facilitate students understanding of techniques and the properties of different media. Demonstrations will be supported with presentations of key artists from Irish and European traditions of landscape painting.
DP 105  
Drawing and Painting the Figure Intermediate
Tutor Kenneth Donfield
Students for this course should have already acquired a basic knowledge and skill of drawing. Beginning with a series of studies, tone, light, space, composition and pictorial structure are explored.  All media from pencil, charcoal, pastel, oil paint and mixed media may be exploited. Technical support and instruction will be given on materials, their values, properties and how to apply these to a surface. Through observation and understanding of the many contemporary approaches to working from the human figure, students will enhance their ability and knowledge of working in the life studio. Students are encouraged to work in a broad and diverse manner. Presentations of historic and contemporary figurative artists will feature along with tutor led group discussions and critiques.
Please note this course is age 18+ only
DP 107  
Painting Processes Intermediate
Tutor Paul MacCormaic
This course is suitable for students who wish to become more accomplished and confident at painting to progress to an accredited course or enhanced studio practice. This is an intermediate level course, participants should have acquired basic skills and techniques in drawing and painting. 

The aim of the course is to
Encourage students to use paint as a vehicle in which to express ideas and develop concepts
Emphasise the importance of the sketchbook or notebook as an essential tool for storing and developing ideas, conducting research and keeping a reflective visual diary
Support the learner to discover how the skills that are covered in the course support each student’s individual approach
Direct students towards the study of artists in a historical and contemporary context that are appropriate to project work
Students will be given instruction in the use of sketchbooks and mind maps as a starting point for project work. The course is process-driven where ideas are explored through a series of exercises. The initial classes of the course include a revision of the basic methods of painting progressing to more complicated techniques and processes. Acrylic paint, and to a lesser extent, oil paint, is used. Watercolour materials and techniques are not covered. 

Emphasis is placed on keeping a research notebook and students are encouraged to use their notebook as a testing ground for techniques, thoughts, ideas and observational drawing. Student will develope their own visual language using a wide range of sources and ideas to outline initial work. Students will engage in exercises demonstrated by the tutor and be encouraged to follow up and investigate the new process’s suitability for project work. Techniques covered are glazing, alla prima, under and overpainting, washes, drybrush, scumbling, impasto and sgraffito. Topics such as aerial perspective, night scenes, abstraction and skin tones for portraiture are covered. Teaching methods include small group and one-to-one tutorials, and towards the end of the course, student presentations and group critiques.
Printmaking Introductory & Intermediate
Tutor  Barbara Dunne
This eleven week course is suited to individuals with a basic knowledge of printmaking and wish to advance their technical skills and knowledge of etching and drypoint techniques. This course includes demonstrations in etching processes and  preparing plates culminating in the production of resolved imagery. The course will provide an opportunity for students to further develop their skills and abilities in making prints. Through a series of exercises in a range of techniques and processes students will be encouraged to advance their own work and interests. Subjects covered include etching and drypoint. Through individual tuition, demonstration of techniques and discussion of ideas students will be encouraged to advance their creative potential and develop their visual awareness.
Constructing Sculpture through Bronze Casting Introductory
Tutor Ciarán Patterson

This course is suitable for students with art and object making experience or knowledge of design. It will provide students with an introduction to technical skills in bronze casting and in sculptural construction. At the end of the course students will have an understanding of the bronze casting process and be able to construct from start to finish a bronze sculptural form. During the course students will work in a foundry or studio to produce original work. Subjects covered include bronze casting techniques, wax work, silicone, investment, mould making using clay, metal finishing and patination. The course will concentrate on technique and work practice and students will learn the process through direct involvement in their own work.
Please note there will be an additional fee of at least €165 per person for casting bronze work using the professional casting facility
CD 503  
Stained Glass Introductory
Tutor Patricia Plunkett
This course provides tuition in the basic techniques of stained glass such as glass-cutting, foil work, lead work and 3-D work making planters and lamp shades etc. Students will be encouraged to undertake their own individual projects developing design concepts and making an individual stained-glass work. Students will be required to pay a basic materials fee of €50; the fee may not cover all materials used during the course and students may purchase additional items.

CD 505  
Stained Glass Intermediate
Tutor Patricia Plunkett

This course is for those who already have experience in Stained Glass craft work. It aims to increase students understanding of an approach to designing and undertaking stained glass work. There will be an emphasis on design concepts and the development of more advanced techniques using the equipment of the Glass Department. Each student will be encouraged to undertake their own individual projects.  Students will be required to pay a basic materials fee of €50; the fee may not cover all materials used during the course and students may purchase additional items.
Course outcomes
• Increase students awareness of their ability in design through set projects
• Build individual students confidence in how to approach a design and develop a design concept through project based work
• Increase students research techniques
Embroidered Textile Design Introductory
Tutor Mary Rose Cullen
During this short evening course students follow a programme encouraging the exploration of embroidered textiles in a contemporary way. An overview of historical and contemporary practice in embroidery will provide the framework for students to experiment and explore stitch. Classes will focus on experimenting with a range of hand and machine stitch techniques, ways of manipulating fabric and the use of alternative materials as surfaces on which to stitch. Students will be encouraged to develop their own project with the assistance of the tutor using the techniques developed during the course.
More Information
Email [email protected]
Tel + 353 1 636 4214
Instagram @cead.ncad
Twitter @cead_ncad

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