Deferring a CAO and College Offer

If a student is offered the course they really wanted and worked towards, the offer is theirs to accept, reject or even defer their place for a year. Students may wish to defer their place for any number of reasons.

The most common reasons are: travel or gap year, family commitments,  sports or other commitments, bereavement, health etc.

In this case, they should contact the admissions office of the college in question and explain clearly their reasons for deferring. The college will then inform the CAO directly of the student’s deferral. (Admissions Officers contact list) DO NOT contact CAO if you are looking to defer.

In rare cases deferral may not prove possible.

As decisions about deferrals are taken by the college in question, it is important that students who wish to be considered for deferral contact the colleges immediately to request consideration of their request.

How does this work for upgraded students?

If they decide it is wiser to opt for a deferred place, the student needs to indicate to the college that they wish to defer. If the college is only in a position to offer a deferred place they inform the student they are being offered a deferred place.

In either case, the following year the applicant reapplies through the CAO placing their allocated course as their only preference. This will then be offered in ROUND A in early July, several weeks prior to the main round of CAO offers.


If a student defers their second choice offer in Round One, will they still be offered their first choice if points come down in Round Two?

Yes. Students will be offered their first choice in Round Two if points come down. Students should contact the admissions office of the college that offered a place and request permission to postpone until next year. They must outline their reason for seeking a deferral and the college will then contact CAO on behalf of the student. (Admissions Officers Contacts List)

If a student is not offered their first choice and wish to pursue their second choice (which they previously deferred), they must reapply through CAO next year, listing just that one course in their application. If they list other courses other than the deferred place, they are then back in open competition with next year's applicants.

If a student defers a place this year but then changes their mind on the course during the year, do they still have to take up the place they deferred?

No. Students are not obliged to take up a place that they defer. If, for whatever reason, a student changes their mind in the intervening year, they can input the new course(s) they are interested in into their new CAO application and they simply forego their deferred place.

If a student is five weeks into a Physiotherapy course and has been offered a deferred place in Medicine for next September -  will they need to pay full fees for the first year in Medicine if they complete first year in Physiotherapy and takes up the deferred place in Medicine?

So far, the (DES) Department of Education & Skills has allowed students to attend college in the intervening year before taking up their deferred course, without the student being liable for full fees the following year.

This situation is outside the control of colleges and there is no guarantee that the situation won’t change at some point in the future.

For everything you need to know for Leaving Cert results - CAO points, college places, financial supports etc, go to the Leaving Cert What's Next Guide here