Salary Range
€44k - €89k
Career Zone

In Brief...

Teaches academic or vocational subjects to students in a further education setting.


  • English Language Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.
  • Education and Training Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects.
  • Psychology Knowledge of human behavior and performance; individual differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and the assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders.
  • Sociology and Anthropology Knowledge of group behavior and dynamics, societal trends and influences, human migrations, ethnicity, cultures and their history and origins.
  • Communications and Media Knowledge of media production, communication, and dissemination techniques and methods. This includes alternative ways to inform and entertain via written, oral, and visual media.
Knowledge areas are ranked by their importance to this career


  • Speaking Talking to others to convey information effectively.
  • Reading Comprehension Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.
  • Active Listening Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
  • Instructing Teaching others how to do something.
  • Learning Strategies Selecting and using training/instructional methods and procedures appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things.
Skills are ranked by their importance to this career

Work Environment

Lecturer / Teacher- Further Educations typically work in the following Career Sectors:

Further, Adult Education & TEFL
Education & Teaching

Videos on the Web

Most commonly reported Work Activities

  • Training and Teaching Others Identifying the educational needs of others, developing formal educational or training programs or classes, and teaching or instructing others.
  • Getting Information Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.
  • Organising, Planning, and Prioritising Work Developing specific goals and plans to prioritise, organise, and accomplish your work.
  • Judging the Qualities of Things, Services, or People Assessing the value, importance, or quality of things or people.
  • Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.
  • Making Decisions and Solving Problems Analysing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
  • Coaching and Developing Others Identifying the developmental needs of others and coaching, mentoring, or otherwise helping others to improve their knowledge or skills.
  • Thinking Creatively Developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.
  • Interacting With Computers Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information.
  • Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time.



The Work

Further education (FE) lecturers teach one or more related academic or vocational subjects. The students are of mixed abilities and may be studying full-time or part-time. Duties include:

  • planning and designing courses
  • preparing lectures and demonstrations
  • assessing and reporting on the progress of each student
  • setting and marking tests or similar exercises

Lecturers may also be involved in organising work experience for their students. Lecturers may also use audio-visual materials and computers to stimulate interest and learning, and to produce course materials.

Further education is education and training that usually occurs outside of or after post-primary school, but which is not part of the third-level system.

Further Education Teachers may work in PLC Colleges, Further Education Institutes, FÁS/SOLAS. They may work with in the areas of VTOS (Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme), Youthreach, BTEI (Back to Education initiative), Adult Literacyor Community Education.

Their students may be from a wide range of backgrounds and age groups. Further Education teachers are therefore required to apply a range of approaches to the teaching and learning of their subject areas and to the assessment of different learner groups.

Their work may include the design of programmes, courses or modules appropriate for the particular learners, including teaching techniques, assessment and evaluation, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant awarding body.


Most commonly reported Work Tasks

  • Prepare course materials, such as syllabi, homework assignments, and handouts.
  • Conduct research in a particular field of knowledge and publish findings in professional journals, books, or electronic media.
  • Compile, administer, and grade examinations, or assign this work to others.
  • Keep abreast of developments in the field by reading current literature, talking with colleagues, and participating in professional conferences.
  • Supervise students' fieldwork, internship, and research work.
  • Evaluate and grade students' class work, assignments, and papers.
  • Prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate or graduate students on topics such as children's literature, learning and development, and reading instruction.
  • Initiate, facilitate, and moderate classroom discussions.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to address teaching and research issues.
  • Plan, evaluate, and revise curricula, course content, course materials, and methods of instruction.

Qualities - Lecturer / Teacher- Further Education

As a lecturer, you will need to be self-motivated and able to motivate others.

You will also need good communication skills, and organisational and time management abilities to cope with teaching commitments and administrative tasks.


Interests - Lecturer / Teacher- Further Education

This occupation is typically suited for people with the following Career Interests:


The Social person's interests focus on interacting with the people in their environment. In all cases, the Social person enjoys the personal contact with other people in preference to the impersonal dealings with things, data and ideas found in other groups.

Many will seek out positions where there is direct contact with the public in some advisory role, whether a receptionist or a counsellor. Social people are motivated by an interest in different types of people and like diversity in their work environments. Many are drawn towards careers in the caring professions and social welfare area, whilst others prefer teaching and other 'informing' roles.


The Linguistic's interests are usually focused on ideas and information exchange. They tend to like reading a lot, and enjoy discussion about what has been said. Some will want to write about their own ideas and may follow a path towards journalism, story writing or editing. Others will develop skills in other languages, perhaps finding work as a translator or interpreter. Most Linguistic types will enjoy the opportunity to teach or instruct people in a topic they are interested in.


The Investigative person will usually find a particular area of science to be of interest. They are inclined toward intellectual and analytical activities and enjoy observation and theory. They may prefer thought to action, and enjoy the challenge of solving problems with sophiscticated technology. These types prefer mentally stimulating environments and often pay close attention to developments in their chosen field.

Entry - Lecturer / Teacher- Further Education

A formal teaching qualification was not traditionally required for teaching in this sector, but from 1 April 2013 onwards, the following entry requirements apply:

A primary degree or equivalent (not less than level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) carrying at least 180 ECTS credits, AND a teacher education qualification approved by the Council for post-primary teaching (First Year to Sixth Year) or an accredited further education teacher education qualification,


An ordinary degree or equivalent (not less than level 7 on the NFQ) carrying at least 180 ECTS credits, PLUS i) an appropriate additional qualification, or

ii) certified accreditation of prior learning based on a minimum of three years’ experience in a workplace or instructional setting which is relevant to the candidate’s qualifications such as may be recognised by The Teaching Council as suitable for the purpose of registration as a teacher under this regulation which meets such requirements as the Teaching Council may publish from time to time,


 iii) a teacher education qualification approved by the Council for post-primary teaching (First Year to Sixth Year) or an accredited further education teacher education qualification.

Teacher training programmes specific to this sector:

There courses accredited by the Teaching Council aimed at teachers within the FET sector.

The following Further education teacher qualifications are accredited by the Teaching Council of Ireland

University of Galway (NUIG)

  • Professional Diploma in Education (Further Education), Adult Training and Education Studies, University of Galway (NUIG) – NFQ Level 8

SETU (Waterford IT)

  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Teaching in Further Education and Adult Education

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching in Further Education (F/T)

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching in Further Education (P/T)

Maynooth University

  • Higher Diploma in Further Education (HDFE)– NFQ Level 8 

Marino Institute of Education

  • Professional Diploma in Education (Further Education)– NFQ Level 8 

Dublin City University

  • BSc in Education and Training (Further, Adult and Continuing Education) – NFQ Level 8

Mary Immaculate College

  • Professional Diploma in Education (Further Education) 
  • Graduate Diploma in Adult & Further Education

National College of Ireland, Dublin 

  • Master of Arts in Socially Engaged Art: (Further Adult & Community Education)
  • The Post Graduate Diploma in Arts in Educational Practice, in Teaching for Further Education
    (Formally Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching)

 A list of providers of (ITE) Initial Teacher education for the sector is available here.

Last Updated: November, 2023

Pay & Salary - Lecturer / Teacher- Further Education

Salary Range (thousands per year)* €44k - €89k

Salaries vary based on employer, location, experience, duties, and role. 
TUI salary scales for members working in the Further/Adult Education sector

Data Source(s):
Payscale/ TUI allied FET Teacher Scales

Last Updated: August, 2024

* The lower figures typically reflect starting salaries. Higher salaries are awarded to those with greater experience and responsibility. Positions in Dublin sometimes command higher salaries.

View Salary information from
Note: data not aways available

Labour Market Updates - Lecturer / Teacher- Further Education

This information has been derived from the Solas National Skills Bulletin (2023).

The five-year annual average growth for this occupation was below average, with employment levels in 2022 unchanged from the previous year. Vacancies for this occupational group primarily related to lecturers (DSP data), with lecturers across a variety of disciplines also featuring in the employment permit data in 2022.

This occupation has a high share of those employed aged 55 years and over (at 25%), indicating that replacement demand alone may create job opportunities in future years. Demographic factors may also lead to an increased demand for these roles, although this will be dependent on government funding.

Useful Contacts - Lecturer / Teacher- Further Education
