Salary Range
€36k - €59k
Career Zone

Maintains law and order as a member of the Garda Síochána in the Republic of Ireland.

Work Environment

Gardas typically work in the following Career Sectors:

Local Government
Public Administration, Politics & EU
Law Enforcement
Security, Defence & Law Enforcement

Videos & Interviews

Marianne Cusack, Garda Sergeant

Marianne is a Sergeant currently teaching in the Garda College in Templemore specialising in the area of investigative interviewing. Marianne has worked in many operations within An Garda Síochána including community policing, The Garda National Drug Unit and Operation Trace. 

Ann-Marie McMahon, Diversity in An Garda Siochana

Learn about the importance of diversity within An Garda Síochana and the different minorty groups that the organisation aim to represent.

An Garda Síochána, Careers In Action

Learn more about the varied career opportunties in the different units of An Garda Síochana from long time members and trainees.

Steven Kilgannon, Garda Trainee

Steven Kilgannon is a Garda Trainee in Templemore Garda College. Steven had previously worked in the hospitality sector where he gained relevent experience in complaint handling and the development of his communication skills. Steven strongly recommends joining the Garda Reserve for a real insight into what the job entails.

Videos on the Web

  • Garda- from: Youtube Search



The Work

The primary responsibilities of An Garda Síochána include, but are not limited to the following functions:

  • Ensuring our nation’s security;
  • The prevention and detection of crime;
  • Enhancing community safety;
  • Reducing the incidence of fatal and serious injuries on our roads and improving road safety;
  • Working with communities to prevent anti-social behaviour;
  • Promoting an inter-agency approach to problem solving and improving the overall quality of life.

The service that the Gardaí provide today is both complex and highly specialised. There are a variety of specialist units to which members of the service (with three years experience of uniformed policing duties) can apply to join, such as The Drug Squad, The Serious Crimes Squad, Community Police, The Dog Unit, The Fraud Squad, The Emergency Response Unit, Juvenile Liaison Section, Training College, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Investigation Unit and many more.

Promotion opportunties within An Garda Síochána are available to those with the required skills - ranks are as follows:

  • Garda
  • Sergeant
  • Inspector
  • Superintendant
  • Chief Superintendent
  • Assistant Commissioner
  • Deputy Commissioner
  • Commissioner


Further Information

  • Garda - from: N.C.S. [UK]
  • Garda - from: N.C.S. [UK]
  • Garda - from: GradIreland
  • Garda - from: N.C.S. [UK]

Qualities - Garda

Applicants for the Gardaí must be of good character and be certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner (nominated by the Garda Commissioner after consultation with the Minister) to be of good health, of sound constitution, and physically and mentally fit to perform the duties of a member of the Service. You must also pass a Physical Competence Test. 
You should enjoy working with people. You need to be able to deal with people of all ages and from a variety of backgrounds. Verbal and written communication skills are important. You should be tactful and patient at all times.  
It is important that you can handle difficult situations with sensitivity. Good judgement is an essential quality. Decision-making skills and initiative are also important. You also need to be able to cope well in a crisis. Close attention to detail will help you to solve crimes and spot suspicious events or circumstances.

Physical Competency Test

The requirement to be of a specific height has been removed and replaced with a physical competency test. The Physical Assessment is comprised of a Physical Competency Test (PCT) and a Physical Fitness Test. All elements of the Physical Assessment must be passed at the pre-entry level.

A PCT Garda Training Video is Available here

Age Limit

Applicants must be 18 years of age but not yet 35 years of age on midnight of the closing date for the competition specified in the advertising campaign to which the admission relates.

Interests - Garda

This occupation is typically suited for people with the following Career Interests:


The Social person's interests focus on interacting with the people in their environment. In all cases, the Social person enjoys the personal contact with other people in preference to the impersonal dealings with things, data and ideas found in other groups.

Many will seek out positions where there is direct contact with the public in some advisory role, whether a receptionist or a counsellor. Social people are motivated by an interest in different types of people and like diversity in their work environments. Many are drawn towards careers in the caring professions and social welfare area, whilst others prefer teaching and other 'informing' roles.


Realists are usually interested in 'things' - such as buildings, mechanics, equipment, tools, electronics etc. Their primary focus is dealing with these - as in building, fixing, operating or designing them. Involvement in these areas leads to high manual skills, or a fine aptitude for practical design - as found in the various forms of engineering.

Realists like to find practical solutions to problems using tools, technology and skilled work. Realists usually prefer to be active in their work environment, often do most of their work alone, and enjoy taking decisive action with a minimum amount of discussion and paperwork.


Enterprising people like situations that involve using resources for personal or corporate economic gain. Such people may have an opportunistic frame of mind, and are drawn to commerce, trade and making deals. Some pursue sales and marketing occupations. Many will eventually end up owning their own business, or in management roles in larger organisations. They tend to be very goal-oriented and work best when focused on a target. Some have an entrepreneurial inclination.

Entry - Garda

Application for the position of Garda Trainee:

-Made online through the Public Appointments Service. To receive notification of Garda Trainee recruitment campaigns as they arise you can register as a member of Public Jobs.

Recruitment chart 2019

Full steps of joining the Garda reserve, civilian roles, and application to join Gardai Garda Careers & Selection process



To be eligible for selection as a trainee you must be 18 years of age but not yet 50 years of age. For the current Garda Trainee recruitment campaign this means you must be aged 18 by midnight of the 1st June, 2017 (i.e. born between 31st May 1982 and 1 st June 1999).

Educational requirements 

Applicants must:

(A) Have obtained an Irish Leaving Certificate with a grade D3 minimum in five subjects at ordinary level*, 


(B) have a Level 5 Certificate (Major award) on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), 


(C) have a recognised qualification (at level 5 or greater), deemed comparable to the above in terms of both level and volume of learning as determined by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI).



A proven proficiency in either Irish or English is required. There is no longer a requirement to have a second language.

Successful applicants are required to study and pass Irish as part of a module in the Garda College.

*Subjects taken at Foundation Level Leaving Certificate are not considered equivalent for entry to this competition.
In certain cases a Pass in the Applied Leaving Certificate (LCA) may be deemed equivalent to an Ordinary Leaving Certificate. In addition, applicants must also have proven proficiency in two languages as set out in (d) above.

The Public Appointments Service may verify the validity of qualifications other than the Irish Leaving Certificate with QQI. Applicants should not contact QQI directly. Candidates may however refer to which offers advice on the academic recognition of foreign qualifications in Ireland.
Note: The Garda Síochána (Admissions and Appointments) Regulations 2013 provide that special recognition maybe given to Garda Reserve Members in the context of the selection process as they have undergone training in many of the skills required to be an effective full-time member of An Garda Síochána and have gained experience in operational policing.
Training & Development 

-Entrants to An Garda Síochána undertake the BA in Applied Policing (D-157) at the Garda College in Templemore. This is a 2-year programme.


See FAQs on the Careers area of An Garda Siochána for detailed information on additional entry requirments including nationality.

NoteEntry requirements and procedures for any new Garda recruitment campaign may differ from past campaigns - always the check the latest campaign guidelines



Last Updated: April, 2023

Pay & Salary - Garda

Salary Range (thousands per year)* €36k - €59k

Garda Trainees receive an allowance of €184 per week for the 32 weeks leading to attestation. Annual Salary may be modified by a variety of allowances and grades.

Salariesvary based on point on the grade. 

Data Source(s):
An Garda Síochána

Last Updated: March, 2024

* The lower figures typically reflect starting salaries. Higher salaries are awarded to those with greater experience and responsibility. Positions in Dublin sometimes command higher salaries.

View Salary information from
Note: data not aways available

Labour Market Updates - Garda

This information has been derived from the Solas National Skills Bulletin (2023).

Although employment growth was above average for this occupation, employment levels declined in the year since 2021. Department of Justice workforce data59 also indicates that the number of gardaí declined since 2021; in 2022, their data shows a total workforce of 17,382 which includes 3,126 civilian garda staff and 375 reserves.

Budget 2023 announced plans for 1,000 new Gardai and 430 Garda staff. Issues in relation to a high rate of attrition in Gardai training along with staff retiring early have been highlighted as explanations of the fall in numbers. Although issues en 2019 and 2022, growth in the labour force was driven by both.

Useful Contacts - Garda
