Salary Range
€21k - €67k
Career Zone

In Brief...

Enlists in the Irish Army to train as a soldier. An Army Recruit is a person who enlists for General Service in the Defence Forces and on completion of the initial training program is promoted to Private 2. 

Work Environment

Army Recruits typically work in the following Career Sectors:

The Defence Forces
Security, Defence & Law Enforcement

Videos & Interviews

Keith Lynch, Private (Line)

Keith completed his Leaving Cert in St. Olivers Community College, and continued on to Dundalk Institute of Technology to study Business Management. He chose to joint the Army towards the end of his stay in college, and applied for entry as a graduate.

Tom Tooher, Lieutenant - Army

Tom is a Lieutenant in the 2nd Cavalry Squadron, based in Dublin. He completed a Masters degree in Agricultural science, went on to work in environmental engineering for 2 years and then enlisted in the Army as a Cadet.

Louise Mc Donald, Private (Line)

Louise comes from a military background and always felt she would like to join the army. She completed her Leaving Cert before joining, and has completed several additional courses as part of her training.

Videos on the Web



The Work

On completion of training, the Recruit becomes a Three Star Private and is assigned to a Unit within the Permanent Defence Forces:  
The Corps  
Infantry Corps:  
Provides the main strength of the Defence Forces in the form of Battalions deployed throughout the State. Troops in the Infantry Corps are operational soldiers and may be deployed to any location at short notice along with members of the Artillery and Cavalry Corps.  
Air Corps:  
Provides air support for the Defence Forces and has at its disposal a range of modern aircraft in order to carry out this function. In addition the Corps provides search and rescue (S&R) cover ministerial and air transport services.  
Artillery Corps:  
Provides Fire Support for the Infantry and ground to air defence.  
The Cavalry Corps:  
Equipped with armour to carry out its main role of patrolling and protecting the infantry.  
The Supply and Transport Corps:  
Is responsible for planning and carrying out the movement of troops, and then keeping them supplied with everything from ammunition to food.  
C.I.S. Corps:  
Provides and maintains the communication systems that allow for command and control of the Defence Forces.  
The Ordnance Corps:  
Has responsibility for maintaining all weapons and equipment. This Corps also carries out bomb disposal.  
The Engineer Corps:  
Is responsible for all combat engineering and general engineering matters within the Defence Forces.  
The Military Police Corps:  
Provides an internal police service for the Defence Forces.  
The Medical Corps:  
Has responsibility for maintaining health and preventing disease in the Defence Forces and providing treatment for its sick and wounded.


Further Information

Qualities - Army Recruit

The Army Recruit needs to be efficient, hard working, and enthusiastic and be able to work well within a team. He/she should be in good health and physically fit.

Interests - Army Recruit

This occupation is typically suited for people with the following Career Interests:


Realists are usually interested in 'things' - such as buildings, mechanics, equipment, tools, electronics etc. Their primary focus is dealing with these - as in building, fixing, operating or designing them. Involvement in these areas leads to high manual skills, or a fine aptitude for practical design - as found in the various forms of engineering.

Realists like to find practical solutions to problems using tools, technology and skilled work. Realists usually prefer to be active in their work environment, often do most of their work alone, and enjoy taking decisive action with a minimum amount of discussion and paperwork.

Entry - Army Recruit

There is no compulsory military service in Ireland. All recruitment to the Defence Forces is voluntary. Entry for men and women is on an equal basis and all appointments are open to women. The three normal methods of entry into the Permanent Defence Forces are as a Cadet, an Apprentice, and a Recruit. The Army has a requirement to recruit men and women to serve as Private Soldiers. Non-technical Private Soldiers in the Air Corps are assigned from the Army as required.  
On completion of training, the Recruit becomes a Private Two Star. On completion of another course, he or she becomes a Three Star Private and is assigned to a Unit within the Permanent Defence Forces. A Three Star Private can normally apply for courses in a wide range of areas, including courses to qualify for promotion to non-commissioned officer (NCO) rank.  
Recruits in the Permanent Defence Force are required to undergo an initial training period of approximately sixteen weeks, during which time they are required to live in barracks. This training covers the following subjects: Foot Drill, Arms Drill, Fieldcraft, First Aid, Rifle Marksmanship, Tactical and Physical Training.  

Appointment to a commissioned Rank

A non-Graduate Cadet who and satisfactorily completes the prescribed course of military training and who passes such examinations and tests as may be laid down will be eligible for appointment as a commissioned officer in the Army rank of Second Lieutenant (2/Lt). 

Professional Development & Associations Army careers

Last Updated: April, 2023

Pay & Salary - Army Recruit

Salary Range (thousands per year)* €21k - €67k

Salaries vary by scale, rank, duties, role, experience, and allowances
Defence Forces Rates of Pay

Data Source(s):

Last Updated: February, 2024

* The lower figures typically reflect starting salaries. Higher salaries are awarded to those with greater experience and responsibility. Positions in Dublin sometimes command higher salaries.

View Salary information from
Note: data not aways available

Labour Market Updates - Army Recruit

This information has been derived from the Solas National Skills Bulletin (2023).

Employment in this occupation has been declining annually since 2020. Those working in this occupation are primarily employed within the public sector and, as such, any employment growth will be dependent on future Government funding. Budget 2023 allocated funding for an additional 100 prison service officers.

Useful Contacts - Army Recruit
