Salary Range
€24k - €91k
Career Zone

In Brief...

Trained to relate to and treat people who are distressed and works to alleviate personal suffering and encourage change.

Work Environment

Psychotherapists typically work in the following Career Sectors:

Health and Social Care Professions
Psychology & Social Care

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The Work

Psychotherapists usually work with clients on a one-to-one basis, meeting them in private and treating their problems in confidence. Some psychotherapists work with families, couples, children or groups of clients. They offer the opportunity to address thought processes, feelings and behaviour in order to understand inner conflicts.  
There are various schools of thought in psychotherapy. Each of the five major approaches is represented by their own organisation in Ireland. See contact details below.  
Therapists who use psychodynamic therapy (which includes psychoanalysis and Jungian analysis) encourage clients to explore their feelings and open up their emotions. Many psychotherapists believe that our experiences as children strongly affect our adult behaviour, even if we are unaware of this influence. They help clients to make links between past and present events.  
A central part of psychodynamic therapy is the idea that the type of relationship that develops between psychotherapist and client can itself reveal a lot about the client's difficulties.  
In cognitive/behavioural therapy, therapists help clients to challenge their assumptions about past experiences and present relationships. Psychotherapists help their clients to think about and put into practice strategies for change.  
Face-to-face interviews and verbal communication are an important part of psychotherapy. However, the therapist can also learn from non-verbal communication. For example, some psychotherapists specialise in child and adolescent psychotherapy.

They may observe how children play or behave towards other children, to find out more about their feelings and relationships. Psychotherapists may also analyse drawings to see what they reveal about young people's thoughts and feelings. Psychotherapists usually see the family together initially.


Further Information

Qualities - Psychotherapist

As a psychotherapist, you must enjoy working with people and helping them to solve their problems. You must respect the client's right to make their own decisions, and avoid making judgements, giving advice or imposing solutions.  
The ability to use tact and treat your client's problems in strict confidence is essential to psychotherapy. Some clients experience positive changes after a short time, but others need therapy over a long period, so you will need patience, tolerance and determination. You will need excellent communication skills, to listen carefully and ask the right questions.  
Clients may reveal intense emotions, and discuss painful aspects of their past or present experiences. You must be objective and professional at all times, and be resilient enough not to become burdened by the problems you encounter.

Interests - Psychotherapist

This occupation is typically suited for people with the following Career Interests:


The Social person's interests focus on interacting with the people in their environment. In all cases, the Social person enjoys the personal contact with other people in preference to the impersonal dealings with things, data and ideas found in other groups.

Many will seek out positions where there is direct contact with the public in some advisory role, whether a receptionist or a counsellor. Social people are motivated by an interest in different types of people and like diversity in their work environments. Many are drawn towards careers in the caring professions and social welfare area, whilst others prefer teaching and other 'informing' roles.


The Investigative person will usually find a particular area of science to be of interest. They are inclined toward intellectual and analytical activities and enjoy observation and theory. They may prefer thought to action, and enjoy the challenge of solving problems with sophiscticated technology. These types prefer mentally stimulating environments and often pay close attention to developments in their chosen field.


Creative people are drawn to careers and activities that enable them to take responsibility for the design, layout or sensory impact of something (visual, auditory etc). They may be atrracted to the traditional artistic pursuits such as painting, sculpture, singing, or music. Or they may show more interest in design activities, such as architecture, animation, or craft areas, such as pottery and ceramics.

Creative people use their personal understanding of people and the world they live in to guide their work. Creative people like to work in unstructured workplaces, enjoy taking risks and prefer a minimum of routine.

Entry - Psychotherapist

Most psychotherapists have a degree in Psychology, or are qualified in related areas such as social work, medicine or psychiatric nursing. Many people go into psychotherapy after working in one of these areas.  
As mentioned above, there are five major approaches to psychotherapy and each is represented by their own organisation in Ireland under the umbrella of the Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP). The ICP is seeking to represent and develop the profession of psychotherapy and to work towards the establishment of a statutory register of psychotherapists in Ireland. See contact details for each organisation. 

To be employed as a Counsellor / Therapist within the HSE candidates need dual layer qualification, comprising a QQI Level 7 award in human science discipline or a health and social care profession and a QQI Level 7 or above in counselling or psychotherapy.

The counselling or psychotherapy course must be recognised by the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) or one of the five sections within the Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP). A post-graduate qualification in Clinical or Counselling Psychology recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) also meets the requirement.

Professional training courses in counselling and psychotherapy accredited by IACP and ICP are listed on their websites.

To work in a public organisation, you need to have completed a nationally recognised training course. Each of the representative association specifies and controls the training necessary for a candidate to be registered with them as a psychotherapist of their particular discipline. Entry requirements depend on the organisation and the type of course offered.  

Training & Development Pathways

FET PLC Courses: Counselling, Psychology, Social care at NFQ Levels 5-6 Search FET PLC Courses

Higher Education CAO Entry: Pyschology, Counselling, Social care at NFQ Levels 7-8 Search CAO courses

It should be emphasised that in order to become a professional counsellor extensive training and supervised placement will need to be undertaken. Many entrants to this profession come with a primary degree in psychology, social studies, pastoral care, nursing, and then go on to do a postgraduate course in counselling.  

Postgraduate Study Options Counselling practice models & Psychotherapy studies at NFQ levels 8-9

Professional Organisations Training or networking events:

IACP The principle of continuous professional development is strong in the occupation of counselling and counsellors would continuously up-grade and develop their skills through attending further training programmes. 

how to become an acredited member

Last Updated: August, 2023

Pay & Salary - Psychotherapist

Salary Range (thousands per year)* €24k - €91k

Salaries vary based on employer, location, experience, duties, sessional rate, and role. Earnings in private practice may vary depending on rates, sessional fees, and client base. 

Data Source(s):
HSE/ Payscale/ Indeed

Last Updated: August, 2024

* The lower figures typically reflect starting salaries. Higher salaries are awarded to those with greater experience and responsibility. Positions in Dublin sometimes command higher salaries.

View Salary information from
Note: data not aways available

Labour Market Updates - Psychotherapist

This information has been derived from the Solas National Skills Bulletin (2023).

Employment growth was below average for therapy professionals, with levels in 2022 remaining below that of 2020. Although LFS data does not allow for a detailed breakdown of employment in this group, Census data for 2016 and 2022 shows detailed employment as follows.

Despite the lack of overall employment growth in recent years, issues with recruitment resulted in a number of therapist roles (occupational, physiotherapists and speech and language) being added to the Critical Skills Employment Permit List in June 2022. A total of 53 new permits were issued in 2022, primarily for physiotherapists with a small number for occupational and speech & language therapists.

The delivery of the Sláintecare report, particularly in terms of community care and mental health services, will require additional staffing in these occupations and, while a combined total of 100 additional training places are planned for occupational, physio, and speech/language therapists in Ireland and Northern Ireland’s education system, given the duration of training programmes, recruitment difficulties for these posts are unlikely to ease in the short-to-medium term. However, as employment levels are not increasing and the data does not allow for detailed analysis, it is not possible to determine if shortages exist for this occupation at present.

Useful Contacts - Psychotherapist

Career Articles

Interview with Donna Breen CBT & Online Counsellor
Interview with Donna Breen CBT & Online Counsellor
Posted by Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences
A Week in My Family Therapy Practice
A Week in My Family Therapy Practice
Posted by CareersPortal