129 Graduate Recruitment Programmes found...

Trainee Lawyer Programme. Applications open September 2019

Two graduate entry routes to consider: Analyst Consulting Group and Accenture Technology Group. Accenture also offer internships.

Two-year Graduate Programme covering seven stages. On completion of the first four stages, you have the opportunity to choose which department you would like to work in for the rest of the programme

Two-year structured training and graduate programme in the areas of Electrical; Mechanical/Building; Quantity Surveying/Commercial Management; Health and Safety; HR; IT; Business.

Virtualization and cloud infrastructure solutions leader, offers internship opportunities at their Cork location.

We are looking for the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators for our business.

We hire graduates from a range of software, science and engineering disciplines, as well as more business-focused degrees.


You will avail of interdepartmental rotations across different areas of the business, developing your skillset and gaining practical experience along wth mentorship from top experts in the industry.

Zurich has a number of graduate opportunities in the area of Corporate Life and Pensions

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