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Are You interested in pursuing a career focused on sustainability - Check out Monaghan Institute

Posted on June 19, 2023

The students of MI's Science and Laboratory, Biomedical and Engineering classes took a proactive step towards a sustainable future recently. They enthusiastically participated in an environmental sustainability awareness programme, an initiative born from collaboration between SOLAS, ETBI, EPA, SEAI, Irish water, Enterprise Ireland, IDA, Regional skills FORA, and the Clean Technology Centre.

The students delved into a diverse range of topics aimed at empowering them to make meaningful changes in their lives which collectively can significantly contribute to addressing the pressing environmental challenges of our time.

One key area that captivated their attention was biodiversity. Students learned about the delicate balance of ecosystems and the importance of preserving and protecting the diversity of life on our planet. Armed with this knowledge they now understand the vital role they play in safeguarding our natural world for future generations.

Another eye-opening topic that resonated with the students was the issue of food wastage, they discovered the staggering impact of food waste on our environment and explored innovative solutions to minimise it.

Energy management also took center stage in the programme as students discovered practical ways to manage their energy usage effectively, from understanding the benefits of renewable energy to implanting energy saving practices in their daily lives, they are now empowered to be more conscientious consumers of the environment.

As we witness the next generation of scientists, engineers and innovators taking proactive steps towards a greener future, hope shines bright.

MI students have set a powerful example by showing that small actions, when multiplied, can make a significant difference though their commitment to environmental sustainability.  

If you are interested in pursuing a career focused on sustainability visit to view the courses, we have on offer. Applications are now being accepted for the 2023/2024 academic year.

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