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University of Limerick - UL
Higher Education

UL Course Focus - BA European Studies LM040

Posted on June 26, 2020 There is no ‘typical’ European Studies student. The main qualities that you need for success in the field are;

● A healthy curiosity about how modern societies function
● An interest in the European Union, and the issues facing the Union and its member states
● a taste for languages other than your own
● an interest in other cultures and
● an ability to think independently and argue coherently for your ideas.

Neither do you have to know what you want to ‘be’ when you leave college in order to choose European Studies. The degree offers a very broad entrance into the worlds of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences.

Why Study European Studies at UL?
Brexit will mean more direct interaction with the EU and with individual member states on the continent. A better knowledge of the European Union, and Ireland’s place within it, is more needed than ever before. An understanding of Europe requires knowledge of its historical origins, of its economic, legal and societal aspects, and of its political institutions.

The BA in European Studies develops knowledge and understanding of all of these areas linking them with knowledge of the cultures and languages of key member states. The University of Limerick has long led the way in Ireland in this field, with the result that this degree is one of the longest established European Studies degree programmes in Europe.

Student Profile - Jennifer Ess Coming from Kilkenny

I chose UL because of the affordable costs of living, the amazing campus and its location, and the facilities that UL offers. What I like most about European Studies is the variety of subjects to study, as well as the inclusion of languages. Having the option to study a language throughout the four years was also desirable as I had a keen interest to continue German from school. UL’s Language Learning Hub is a great resource for language students and allows you to embrace the language even further.

Choosing to study at UL has provided me with several opportunities, the most important ones being ERASMUS/Study Abroad and Coop work experience. I really enjoyed my ERASMUS experience in Germany where I studied at the Ruhr Universität Bochum for 6 months. While there, I travelled a lot and visited cities like Aachen, Essen and Düsseldorf. I embraced the German culture and language and really tried to immerse myself in the country. My command of the language also improved even further.

My Co-Op placement in Hamburg was my first time working in a professional environment. As a Content Management intern with Dreamlines GmbH, my role was tasked with managing the data on their busy website. The experience prepared me for future employment, and gave me confidence and independence as I was living abroad alone for the first time. I improved many skills while on my placement such as problem-solving and communication, and learned so much as part of an international team.

Because of Co-Op, I know what is expected of me as an employee, and what it is like to work in a professional environment. I am now better prepared for the workplace and for a career with both a European and international focus. Take a look at our award winning, Best Student Campus.

Click here for more information on the European Studies Programme.

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