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Data Bytes at NCI - New Programme for TY Students

Posted on February 15, 2022

Data Science is an exciting and evolving field, providing an increasing number of lucrative career opportunities.

NCI has created a new programme, interlinked with both Junior and Senior Cycle curricula, aimed at providing TY students with a thorough and fun understanding of Data Science. Running from September through November 2022, there is no fee to participate, plenty of support for Teacher-Champions, and prizes for the best projects.

Why do Data Bytes?

Out of sight, out of mind

Data Science is invisible to most of us most of the time. We may be more conscious of it online, now that we must deliberately accept cookies each time we enter a website, giving the site owner permission (or not!) to use our data in a range of ways. But Data Science goes beyond our personal online experiences, underpinning decision-making in healthcare, sports, politics and more.

If you can’t see it, you can’t be it

Data Science is a rapidly evolving area, providing an ever-increasing field of lucrative career opportunities – one of the growing sectors of this decade and recognised as an area with a ‘skills gap’. If students do not understand what Data Science is, they cannot consider a career in Data Science.

Connection to the curriculum

Data Bytes builds on the foundations of the data-handling cycle addressed in both Junior and Senior cycles.

What school needs to do

Schools are asked to nominate a ‘Champion’, who might be a TY Coordinator, Computer Science or Maths teacher, to recruit student teams. These Champions will be fully supported and receive online tutorials to help them guide the project in their school.

What students need to do

Students will take part in classroom and online tutorials, provided by NCI faculty and industry experts. They will then be supported to apply the skills they have learned to investigate data of their choice. Working in teams of 4 or 5, they will present insights and findings in final projects – these can draw on any type of data: from online shopping habits to climate statistics to transfer fees in professional sports… the range of sources is as big as your curiosity!

What National College of Ireland does

National College of Ireland (NCI), home to the largest School of Computing in Ireland, is an education leader in Data Science. NCI has pedagogic expertise in introducing Higher Education concepts into the Secondary Education environment, and many years’ experience working directly with TY and 5th Year Students. Both students and teacher-Champions will have access to bespoke e-learning materials through a dedicated website.

NCI tutors will use relatable examples and innovative teaching methods to provide a solid grounding in Data Science. Students will be shown how data relates to an area they are interested in, which can become the focus of a team project. Projects will be showcased during Science Week, which will culminate in a awards day, with NCI providing prizes!

Tell me more!

Complete the form so that we can contact you regarding the April workshop.

Any other queries in the meantime? Contact our School Liaison Officer, [email protected]

Learn more about Data Bytes here

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