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From Biology to Biomedical Science - Tomi Arole

Tomi Arole
Posted on January 30, 2024

Hey there, friends! My name is Tomi Arole from Longford I hope you're all doing well. Today, I thought I'd share a bit about my university journey, starting off with Biology in Year 1 and then pivoting to Biomedical Science in Year 2. It's a story of choices, adjustments, and – of course – a fair share of late-night study sessions. So, let's catch up and chat about it!

 Embarking on my university journey, Biology captivated me from my Leaving Certificate days. Enthusiastically expecting a seamless transition, the reality at the university level was surprisingly different. University-level Biology, with its emphasis on plant biology, and it made me realise how much I love human biology.

 The initial year became a journey of acclimatising to the complexities of Biology. The course covered a wide range, including plant biology, and I had to readjust my expectations. It wasn't just an extension of my secondary school studies; it was a deep dive into a challenging yet fascinating discipline. As the year went on, I discovered that plant biology wasn't my thing. I realised my true passion lies elsewhere, and that's where I decided to focus my studies.

Yearning for a shift towards the human aspects of biology, I discovered the Biomedical Science course at Ulster University through some of the friends I’ve met on my journey. This discovery marked a pivotal moment that prompted a significant decision to transfer for my second year. The unwavering support and guidance from the course directors of both Biology and Biomedical Science played a crucial role in facilitating this academic shift.

 Biomedical Science emerged as the perfect alignment with my aspirations, particularly my deep rooted interest in the intricacies of human anatomy. This transformative shift not only allowed me to explore the fascinating world of human biology but also broadened my horizons for future pursuits, foremost among them being the ambitious goal of pursuing medicine.

This journey of academic transition wasn't just a change of courses; it was a narrative of resilience and adaptation. Navigating the complexities of university-level studies, I found not only challenges but also opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

The inherent flexibility of the Biomedical Science degree became evident as it offered a versatile foundation for my academic journey. This adaptability is a key factor, providing me with the freedom to navigate my course, whether it guides me toward the field of medicine, a pursuit I passionately envision, or takes an unforeseen turn toward exciting opportunities that this degree unfolds.

This unexpected journey from Biology to Biomedical Science has been more than a mere academic transition; it's a narrative of personal growth, resilience, and the pursuit of passions. It underscores the dynamic nature of academic journeys and the transformative power of making choices that resonate with one's aspirations.

Well, that's all for now. Until next time
