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Applications Are Now Open for Life Changing Part-time Courses

Posted on July 19, 2024 Applications Are Now Open for Life Changing Part-time Courses

Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) is a one stop shop for flexible part-time recognised learning. The Institute have a strong and proud legacy of flexible, professional and industry acclaimed part-time student education. Part-time study gives you greater control over your learning path. You can balance work with other commitments and study at a pace that suits you. This extensive and flexible offering of part-time courses gives you the potential for life enhancing opportunities to learn more to earn more.

The Institute currently offers more than 80 part-time courses across a broad range of subject areas. DkIT’s part-time courses are particularly suitable for those who wish to study new topics and course areas, update their professional skills or add to their qualifications. Accredited courses are available in the areas of Business & Accountancy, Teaching & Learning, Humanities, Engineering, Computing & Creative Arts and Health & Science.

Caron Hourigan a graduate of the Certificate in Leadership, Management and Business for the Early Years in DkIT said of her experience ““The course was 100% online which was brilliant, it was so accessible and engaging. In my opinion if you have enough time in an evening to sit down and watch Coronation Street, you have enough time to click a link and do an online course."

Kate Collins another DkIT graduate of the Bachelor of Business Studies (part-time) said, “"Don’t hesitate to go ahead and do it. Time is going to pass anyways; time goes by so quickly and before you know it, you have earned a degree" she added, “I’ve already received two promotions from I started my course, so going back to college has worked for me, and I hope to continue my education in the future and do a Masters of Business”

Raymond Manley who completed a Certificate in Renewable Energy in DkIT reported “All of the lecturers on the course were excellent and very knowledgeable. While I came into the college for most classes, I had the flexibility of attending the online classes also, which made it very accessible.”

And Mike Donnelly, Graduate of the Certificate in User Experience (UX) Design “Having a cert in UX design from DKIT makes my portfolio stand out from a lot of others when it comes to the job search. Also, the network of people around me during my time there has helped me get my foot on the ladder and get into the UX world. Without DKIT I wouldn't have gotten the opportunities I have now. "

Anton Barrett, DkIT’s Head of Lifelong Learning said “In the current economic climate, one of the biggest motivators for returning to education is career progression. Whether you are striving for a promotion in your current workplace or want to move to a different field but are facing some skills and knowledge shortfalls, then continuing education can play a key role in your career progression. We at DkIT understand that part-time, flexible learners have responsibilities that can take priority. You are busy people, with careers, families, caring duties, and making the commitment to study full-time may not be possible. Studying part-time however, gives you the opportunity to return to education, upskill or reskill, without putting the rest of your life on hold. Most of our courses require attendance at class one or two evenings a week, yet many are delivered wholly online or in a blended format, which is a combination of online and on-campus teaching. At DkIT we strive to create a welcoming and encouraging learning environment so you can comfortably fit your academic ambitions around your life circumstance”.

The selection of part-time courses, available from this September, range from Certificate to Masters level. Some of these part-time courses are also available through Springboard+ which offers opportunities for FREE and part-funded one-year and two-year part-time higher education courses. Springboard courses are open to jobseekers, returners to the workforce and people in employment who wish to upskill.

DkIT also have an extensive list of reduced fees courses which were introduced as part of a plan to tackle the rising cost of living and make learning more accessible for all. For more information on all these course offerings check out DkIT’s website.

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