

What is Dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia is a Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) and a recognised Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD). The Dyspraxia Association of Ireland defines it as: “a difficulty with thinking out, planning and carrying out sensory/motor tasks", Dyspraxia Ireland.

In general, dyspraxia is described as a difficulty with motor co-ordination, but it can affect individuals differently. It is sometimes described as a traffic jam of messages to the brain. It affects about 10% of the population, with  2-4% seriously affected.

Dyspraxia is characterised by difficulty in planning smooth, co-ordinated movements. This leads to clumsiness, lack of co-ordination, problems with language, perception and thought. Symptoms are generally noticeable from an early age. 

Impact on Learning Skills & Development

Challenges for learners with Dyspraxia can include:

  • Poor motor co-ordination (fine/small and gross/large)
  • Difficulties with motor planning
  • Cannot do jigsaw puzzles or shape sorting games
  • Difficulty with spacial awareness
  • Poor awareness of body position in space
  • Poor social skills
  • Emotional and behavioural problems
  • Difficulties with vision
  • Difficulty with reading, writing and speech
  • Difficulty with remembering and/or following instructions
  • Poor working memory
  • Poor organisational skills
  • Inability to think laterally
  • Verbal IQ may be average or above average, with lower non-verbal IQ 

Learning Strategies

  • Keep instructions brief and concise
  • Use multisensory approaches - visual and kinesthetic
  • Use visual aids such as mind -mapping as a learning tool
  • Encourage 'learning by doing'
  • Develop time-management skills and learn to prioritise tasks
  • Use colour-coding for folders, notes, etc
  • Encourage participation in sport and physical activities (e.g swimming, table-tennis) to help physical co-ordination
  • Write down or record instructions for reference later
  • Develop IT skills to help with literacy, numeracy and hand writing and use of spell-checker
  • Wear headphones to help reduce distractions, Dyspraxia Ireland Information.


Primary Education Level:

Primary schools get a general allocation to meet the needs of children with special educational needs. This includes specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia and borderline and mild general learning disabilities and Learning difficulties, which includes pupils with:

  • Mild speech and language difficulties
  • Mild social or emotional difficulties
  • Mild co-ordination or attention control difficulties associated with identified conditions such as Dyspraxia, attention deficit disorder (ADD), Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Pupils with these conditions who have been assessed as being in the low incidence category get individual support, NCSE National Council Special Education

Learning support/resource teachers are appointed to provide support under the general allocation of additional teaching resources to help schools to make suitable provision.

Each school decides how the resources for high incidence support are used and how they are divided among the students who need such support. The additional teaching may be provided in the classroom or in small separate groups. Some pupils may need additional one-to-one teaching for a specified period, Dyspraxia Ireland Information

Secondary Education Level:

Special Educational Needs - Resource teacher hours are allocated to post-primary schools for the support of individual students who have been assessed as having special educational needs. Details of supports available at 2nd level are available NCSE Education GuidesDyspraxia Ireland Information.

Reasonable Accommodations at the Certificate Examinations (RACE)

The Race scheme aims to assist students who are at a disadvantage due to a disability, by facilitating access to the state certificate examinations

Reasonable Accommodations at the Certificate Examinations (RACE)

Third Level and Further Education

Research findings from AHEAD released in 2022 show that, of the total disabled student population (18,097) at Third Level 2021/22 represented in the research DCD (Development Co-Ordination Disorder) Dyspraxia/ Dysgraphia (8.8%, n=1598), AHEAD- Students with Disabilities engaged with Higher services 2022.

DARE - Disability Access Route to Education - School leavers with DCD (Dyspraxia / Dysgraphia) who are under 23 years old (at 1st January of the application year) can apply for a college place through DARE:

Applicants complete the CAO application by 17.15pm on 1st February. CAO opens for applications on 5th November at 12.00 noon, CAO DARE Information

By 1st March, applicants must answer YES to Question 1 ('Do you wish to be considered for DARE?') on Section A of the Supplementary Information Form (the SIF is a part of your CAO application). 

Applicants with DCD (Dyspraxia) are required to provide:

Evidence of their disability (Full psychoeducational assessment AND Evidence of Disability Form 2016 OR Existing report from a Psychologist AND Occupational Therapist (less than 3 years old) OR Neurologist OR Chartered Physiotherapist (No age limit).

Educational Impact Statement - must be completed by the applicant and your School Principal, Teacher or Guidance Counsellor and returned to the CAO by 17.15pm on 1st April.

DARE screening criteria for Dyspraxia/DCD

Common Educational Supports - a range of common educational supports are in place at Third Level for students with specific learning difficulties. These include:

  • Priority registration
  • Disability Access Office support
  • Reader service
  • Use of audio-tape to record lectures and tutorials
  • Assistive technology
  • Materials in alternative formats
  • Word-processing facilities
  • Photocopying Facilities 
  • Copies of lecturer's notes and/or overheads 
  • Notetaker
  • Time extension on out-of-lecture assignments
  • Special Library Arrangements
  • Counselling and Medical Services
  • Study skills courses
  • Examination provisions 

These and other supports available are outlined in detail in our 'Third Level Supports' area.

The Workplace

Many organisations now make public claims to be an "equal opportunities employer". This suggests the existence of an equal opportunities policy (EOP), which is a policy statement adopted by the organisation declaring an intent not to discriminate and, further, to promote equality by taking steps to aid disadvantaged groups. Such employers are in effect promising to avoid discrimination on grounds of sex or marital status, and may also make such a commitment in relation to people with a disability and racial and ethnic minorities, WRC Work Place relations Commission

NDA National Disability Authority Accessbility, communications, procurement guide, NDA Toolkit

Workplace Equipment Adaptation Grant (WEAG)

If you are a person with a disability who has been offered employment or are in employment, and require a more accessible workplace or adapted equipment to do your job, you or your employer may be able to get a grant towards the costs of adapting premises or equipment, details of WEAG grants Workplace Equipment Adaptation Grant.

Career Choice

Skills for workplace success fall into two main categories: hard skills and and soft skills. Hard skills are job-specific and they vary, depending upon the industry or field in which you want to work. For example, a graphic artist must have the computer skills that go with that job, Adults with Dyspraxia

Soft skills are the personal characteristics that go with a variety of jobs - they include social skills, problem solving, communication, time management, and organisation. For example, a person who prefers to work alone might find a research job particularly appealing, Explore Career Skills in more detail

People with Dyspraxia:

  • May find it difficult to handle equipment such as a keyboard, tools, bandages, or laboratory and cooking equipment safely and easily.
  • Driving and managing a car can be challenging for dyspraxics, as the condition affects hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness and short-term memory.
  • Tend to knock over and spill things easily.  
  • Writing is typically slow and laborious and/or untidy and illegible. 
  • May find themselves employed in jobs far below their capabilities. 

In an increasingly multi-skill economy, where one job may require strengths across several unrelated areas, does not help those with specific learning difficulties.

Dyspraxics are often determined, persistent, hard working and highly motivated. People with dyspraxia are similar to those with dyslexia - they are often creative and original thinkers as well as strategic problem solvers.

People with Dyspraxia may have difficulties when looking for work, or at work:

  • Operating computers and Keyboard skills
  • Using office equipment such as photocopiers and staplers
  • Organising their workload
  • Communication skills– such as following oral instructions and taking part in discussions
  • Handwriting and general writing skills
  • Memory and concentration

Jobs that can be suited to those with dyspraxia include caring professions - caring for the young or the elderly, working with people with learning difficulties, or working with animals. Turning hobbies into jobs can also be a good approach – for example, photography or writing.

Many people with Dyspraxia experience few problems in the workplace and have developed their own strategies for working effectively.  Some however, find it hard to achieve their true potential and may need extra support at work, AHEAD Disclosing a Differing Ability

Focus on your strengths and abilities and look at career options based on these, Explore Personal Interests in more detail.

Famous People with Dyspraxia

Actor Daniel Radcliffe, Model/ Actress Cara Delevigne, Musician Florence Welch, Entrepreneur Richard Branson, Photographer David Bailey, Writers Emily Bronte, Jack Kerouac.
