Down Syndrome

What is Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome affects approximately one baby out of every 444 births here in Ireland. It is currently estimated that there are about 7,000 people in Ireland with Down syndrome.

Down Syndrome is a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. Peope with Down Syndrome share certain physical traits, and may also have problems such as heart defects, respiratory problems and eye defects.

There are three types of Down syndrome:

  • Trisomy 21 (95%): extra number 21 chromosomes in every cell
  • Translocation (3-5%): an extra chromosome 21 is attached to another chromosome in every cell
  • Mosaic (1-2 %): mixture of cells, some with an extra chromosome 21 and some normal

Young adults with Down Syndrome variously exhibit some of the following characteristics: auditory and visual impairment; delayed fine- and gross-motor skills; difficulties with thinking and reasoning and applying knowledge in new situations; limited concentration span; poor auditory memory; speech and language impairment; and sequencing difficulties, Down Syndrome Ireland.


Every Down Syndrome student is an individual. The level of general learning disability among children with Down Syndrome can range from mild to profound.

In general, people with Down Syndrome are better able to understand language than to communicate it expressively. As a result, their cognitive skills are often under estimated.

Motor skill development in young people with Down Syndrome is essentially delayed, rather than just different to that of the average student. This delay is typically the result of poor muscle tone and loose joints, recognised traits of people with Down's Syndrome, which affect their motor development Down Syndrome Ireland- Whats it all About 2018.

Learning Strategies and Supports

Students with Down Syndrome should be treated as individuals whose education is based on an assessment of his/her individual strengths and needs.

The rate of learning and information processing is slower for the person with Down Syndrome. This can be corrected significantly by early interventions.

Students with Down Syndrome are strong visual learners, so teaching is most effective when it includes a strong emphasis on visual learning - visual demonstrations; pictures and illustrations etc.

Many children with Down Syndrome are able to develop their reading skills to a useful and practical level and, in so doing, can also improve and develop their verbal comprehension, and speech and language skills.

Active participation in physical education class will encourage motor development in these students. Make sure the teenager with Down Syndrome is not left on the sidelines, as long as no medical reason would suggest s/he do so. With continual practice, their motor skills will improve, Down Syndrome Ireland- Whats it all About 2018.

Supports available

The numbers of pupils with Down Syndrome being included in mainstream classrooms are increasing, as we see changes in attitudes and values, as well as new policy and legislative developments, Down Syndrome Ireland 'Supporting students with Down Syndrome', 2021.

Primary Level Education:

Primary Level Education Children with Down Syndrome have been treated differently under Department of Education rules since 2005, regarding allocation of resource teaching hours, depending on a diagnosis of 'moderate general learning disability' or 'mild general learning disability', Down Syndrome Ireland information.

A child with Down Syndrome and a moderate GLD diagnosis is entitled to four hours and 15 minutes of weekly resource teaching hours, whereas a child with Down Syndrome and a mild GLD diagnosis, does not get an individual allocation unless he/she qualifies by reason of some other special need (i.e a visual impairment), AHEAD Assistive Tech Hive

The Department of Education has been asked to rectify the situation. A replacement model is being designed by the NCSE to end the differentiation between general allocation and individual hours, giving each school a set number of special teachers based on the overal profile of the pupil population NCSE National Council Special Education

Secondary Level Education:

When a student with Down Syndrome starts secondary school from a regular mainstream environment in primary school, the social and learning needs of the student would be best served by enrolment in a regular, mainstream class in the secondary school. The support of a Special Needs Assistant (SNA) is crucial for the success of such a transition, Down Syndrome Ireland.

A student who has been receiving special education support or resources while in Primary School is eligible for continuation of support at secondary level, once they continue to have a special educational need, Supporting Students with Down Syndrome in Post primary School 2021

The same general provisions he/she received in primary school apply at Secondary Level. This typically includes specialist teaching from a Learning Support or Special Education Resource teacher (both now referred to as Special Education teachers).

This support is provided based on need, with the number of hours of support determined by the Individual Education Plan (IEP) drawn up in the last year of primary school NCSE Special education needs support.  

Further Education & Training

Many young adults with Down Syndrome pursue further education. Some also gain employment, usually on a part-time basis, although this will depend on the individual, Down Syndrome Employment. Submissions on developing pathways in further and higher education for people with Down Syndrome. There are levels and resources of support within FET courses, Reasonable Accomodations in FET 2022

NLN Vocational training can also be of help in finding and helping to tailor jobs for young adults with Downs. It aims to equip trainees with specific skills which help them secure employment. Most vocational training is provided by NLN-Solas/ ETBI (the National Training and Development Authority) or by specialist agencies under contract to Solas/ ETBI, NLN National Learning Network courses

Third Level Education:

Path 4 courses aim to develop access to Higher Education are part of the National Access Plan 2022-2028. There are sources of assistive tech to support a universal design for learning in Ireland, AHEAD Assistive Tech Hive

DARE - Disability Access Route to Education - School leavers with SLD (Dyslexia / Dyscalculia) who are under 23 years old (at 1st January of the application year) can apply for a college place through DARE:

Applicants complete the CAO application by 17.15pm on 1st February. CAO opens for applications on 5th November at 12.00 noon, CAO DARE Information.

By 1st March, applicants must answer YES to Question 1 ('Do you wish to be considered for DARE?') on Section A of the Supplementary Information Form (part of your CAO application). 

The Workplace

Many organisations now make public claims to be an "equal opportunities employer". This suggests the existence of an equal opportunities policy (EOP), which is a policy statement adopted by the organisation declaring an intent not to discriminate and, further, to promote equality by taking steps to aid disadvantaged groups, WRC Workplace relations commission.   

Such employers are in effect promising to avoid discrimination on grounds of sex or marital status, and may also make such a commitment in relation to people with a disability and racial and ethnic minorities, Down Syndrome Ireland Employment & Advocacy.

Workplace Equipment Adaptation Grant (WEAG)

If you are a person with a disability who has been offered employment or are in employment, and require a more accessible workplace or adapted equipment to do your job, you or your employer may be able to get a grant towards the costs of adapting premises or equipment, details of WEAG grants Workplace Equipment Adaptation Grant.


Career Choice

Skills for workplace success fall into two main categories: hard skills and and soft skills. Hard skills are job-specific and they vary, depending upon the industry or field in which you want to work. For example, a graphic artist must have the computer skills that go with that job.

People may benefit from completing a Personal interest profiler and aptitude testing, which will help them identify potential career paths.

Soft skills are the personal characteristics that go with a variety of jobs - they include social skills, problem solving, communication, time management, and organisation. For example, a person who prefers to work alone might find a research job particularly appealing, Explore Career Skills in more detail.

Many young adults with Down Syndrome want to work, but may face obstacles when trying to get a job and finding work that they can do.

People with Down Syndrome want to work and represent a substantial source of untapped commitment and talent. According to Down Syndrome Ireland, they are one of the most under-represented groups in the Irish labour market. There is a misconception among Irish employers that people with Down Syndrome cannot cope with employment or are only able to undertake routine, methodical jobs, Adult & School leaver

There are many simple jobs that use manual labour that can be good options for young adults with Down Syndrome. Many find work in the hospitality and retail sectors. Those with good communication skills could also handle receptionist or office assistant jobs. 

Young people with Down Syndrome typically have strong ability in visual processing and visual memory. They can also exhibit artistic talent, and developing ICT skills can help them put these talents to use. 

Computers are opening up job opportunities for young people with Down Syndrome that were never there before. Many jobs that in the past required a lot of social interaction and keeping track of large amounts of data in your head, or manually, have now been simplified with the use of computers. Also, a lot of the communication associated with this kind of work can now take place by email. Jobs such as Data entry and Digital photography; Art and graphic design; Despatching - all are potential opportunities.

For young people with Down's Syndrome who are not ready for the mainstream workplace:

A supported employment job coach can help somebody into employment through a range of supports such as vocational profiling, finding the job, mentoring and eventually helping them sustain the employment, Down Syndrome Ireland Employment & Advocacy.

Famous People with Down Syndrome

Advocate / Ambassador Eileen Dunne, Writer & Teacher Pablo Pineda, American Actress Lauren Potter, Irish Actor Seamus Reilly, Scottish Actress/ Special Olympics Netball player Paula Sage, British Actor Tommy Jessop, American swimmer Karen Gaffney, Fashion Designer Isabella Springmuhl Tajada, Politician Angela Bachiller, Scultptor Judith Scott.   
