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Junior Cycle - Digital Media Literacy

Subject Group: Practical
These subjects are 'hands-on' and involve working with tools and machinery on physical things like wood, metals and plastic. They may involve designing, planning and building things.

Brief Description:
In Digital Media Literacy you will learn to use digital technology for enquiry and research, to discriminate between the numerous sources of information and to participate safely and effectively in the online environment.

This is an optional Junior Cycle short course and requires approximately 100 hours of learning.
How will Digital Media Literacy be useful to me?
Creating and sharing media in a digital environment has become an increasingly important feature of how we communicate and engage with each other and with the wider world.

On this course you will explore the why and how of using digital technologies. You will investigate the ethical and legal issues around downloading media from the internet and develop an understanding of online safety.

As you develop your digital literacy skills, you will explore how digital texts are published and their various purposes; you will compare how similar information is presented in different formats and explore how to represent information using digital imagery.

You will learn to discriminate between the multiple sources of information available online and to challenge the views found there. This will help you to explore the
issues of bias and influence online.

You will also learn how to investigate online rights and risks, demonstrate good standards and protocols for sharing information online, and learn to cite and reference accurately when using online sources.

Course Outline
View / Download Digital Media Literacy Factsheet [pdf file]
View / Download full curriculum [pdf file]

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