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Junior Cycle - Spanish

Subject Group: Humanities
These subjects explore the ways in which humans live and communicate in the world. Human life is examined by looking at our past, our present and into our future. These subjects help people to express themselves clearly and develop their reasoning ability.

Brief Description:

The Modern Foreign Languages Specification sets out clear expectations for students across three integrated strands of MFL for Spanish.

Modern Foreign Languages are optional Junior Cycle subjects and require a minimum of 200 hours of learning.

How will Spanish be useful to me?

You will find modern languages useful in your personal life for travelling and in many careers including tourism, catering, education, business and translation services.

The Specification is organised around three integrated strands:

Communicative Competence: Communicative competence is concerned with developing students’ ability to communicate meaningfully in the target language. This strand incorporates five elements , representing the five language skills of listening, reading, spoken production, spoken interaction and writing. 

Language Awareness: Language awareness enhances the students’ general awareness about languages, and incorporates the three elements of reflecting on how the target language works, comparing the target language with other languages students know, and reflecting on their own language-learning strategies

Socio-Cultural Knowledge and Intercultural Awareness: Socio-cultural knowledge and intercultural awareness, gives students access to new cultural dimensions and encourages them to reflect on their own culture. The three elements of this strand develop students’ knowledge of the countries and cultures related to the target languages, and enable them to make comparisons with their own country and culture.


Course Outline
View / Download Spanish Factsheet [pdf file]
View / Download full curriculum [pdf file]

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