Owen Stephens, Building Engineer
Construction, Architecture & Property

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

Owen Stephens works as a Building Engineer. His job involves working with architects to design the engineering systems in buildings.

Ask me a question!

Who are the people who most influenced your career direction?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

My dad – He is an electrical contractor and I worked on sites with him growing up. He has taught me so much in life and practical lessons which I have applied over the years. I had old mentor in Australia (Brad George) –and he taught me how to be a really good technical engineer, followed up by how to write reports, communicate and also deal with personalities.

Describe a typical day?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

In the morning, daily whiteboard meetings are attended by all sub-contractors on site and are led by myself and our construction site supervisor. A full sweep of the buildings on site is covered at these meetings which is used as a forum for any site installation issues to be raised. If the issues relating to M&E installation cannot be resolved at this meeting, I liaise with design team in resolving the issues to keep site team moving. After this, site meetings with clients and design teamS occur (most important part of week)! In the evening I usually take time to respond to emails, track and monitor schedule, deal with any issues that arose at daily whiteboard or client meeting.


What are the main challenges?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

Building Services Engineers are responsible for designing the engineering systems in buildings. Together with architects we design energy efficient and environmentally-friendly buildings. My roles and responsibilities include: meetings with clients and designers, managing of Mechanical, Electrical and Sprinkler Contractors, day to day site troubleshooting and problem solving and updating of construction schedule.

What do you like most?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

I find it hugely rewarding to see a design or a concept which was developed in my head make its way to a building site, get built and function. Communication is huge in this industry which has led to me developing a lot of good professional relationships.

Is there anything that isn't great?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

Time management and working away from home for a period to gain good experience 

What is your education to date?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

  1. Certificate & Diploma in Building Services Engineering (DIT)
  2. Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Building Services Engineering (DIT)
  3. CPEng MCIBSE (Chartered) Status

What aspects of your education have proven most important for your job?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

There were certain subjects within the module of my cert, diploma & degree within DIT Bolton Street which gave me incredible knowledge of certain aspects of building services which at the time weren’t obvious. It only became obvious 2/3 years into my career in Australia where I could see how far ahead of fellow graduates I was due to obtaining the skills in DIT Bolton Street.

Does your job allow you to have a lifestyle you are happy with?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

Yes, my current role as a site building services engineer does give me opportunities for post work life balance. However a lot of my time after work can be taken up by my role as a part time lecturer.(preparing class notes, assignments etc). In my past role as a building services design engineer gave me little or no time for after or before work activities for certain periods in the year.

What advice would you give to someone considering this job?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

The Building services course in DIT Bolton Street is world renowned for producing quality building services engineers. If you complete this course you are pretty much guaranteed a job here or somewhere in the world

What kinds of work experience would provide a good background for this position?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

Summer internships in Building services design offices

What is your current job title?

Owen Stephens, Building Engineer

Building Services Engineer & Part Time Lecturer

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