Starting your Career Path

What is a Career?

A career can refer to any number of jobs and things you do to earn a living. In fact your career is best regarded as a journey, starting with your first job and continuing until you retire.

While some people seem to know what they would like to do from an early age, most people don't. This is to be expected as knowing what you want to do in life is based on:

  • Knowing what is possible
  • Knowing yourself well enough to know what kind of work you would like

You can't know of all the possible jobs that may exist at this stage in your life. And, as you are still developing your personality and character, you can't know yourself all that well either.

It might surprise you, but much of what you learn at school, including the skills you develop, will be used in your future work. You may already have preferences for certain types of subjects and skills (for example, science, business or art). Building up an awareness of these preferences will help you to uncover the types of work which you will be most suited to and find most enjoyable in the future.

This website is designed to help you begin exploring yourself and the types of jobs that other people do. The more you know about the world of work, and where your passions lie, the easier it is to feel confident in finding your own direction.

Why not start by taking our free Career Interest Profiler
