Subject Choice

Leaving Certificate

Computer Science

Career Zone
NFQ Level
2 Years


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What Most School Don't Teach [IT] - What Most School Don't Teach [IT]

Computer Science is the study of computers and computer programming. The Leaving Certificate Computer Science course introduces students to problem-solving using programming and computational knowledge. The course develops an understanding of fundamental concepts of computer science and technology’s role in society. Through applied exercises, students will develop practical skills while working in teams to create functioning computer applications.

Computing technology now influences every part of society; it is key to our lives. The knowledge and skills learned will be valuable to the student regardless of whether they pursue a career in technology.

Why Study Computer Science

  • The course will teach skills which are highly in demand in the economy and will equip students to navigate the practical and ethical challenges of an increasingly technology-driven society.
  • If you want to pursue a career in tech fields such as software programming, data analytics or information technology, this course would likely be a useful step in that career path.
  • Students who don’t have a set career in mind should not dismiss the course, the skills and knowledge developed will be useful in all walks of life. Almost all career paths now involve working with technology in some way.

What kind of Student Would Computer Science suit?

  • The course will suit students who enjoy puzzling out and solving problems, logical thinking and creating functional objects or programs.
  • Students who did well in mathematics and science should find themselves suited to Computer Science. The program will build on the problem solving, analytical thinking and numerate skills developed in primary school and junior cert mathematics.
  • Due to the broad nature of the curriculum it is still possible for students who haven’t excelled in maths or science to engage positively with the Computer Science course. The curriculum encompasses a range of skills learned across junior cert subjects, such as effective communication, working with others, managing information, logic and thinking critically.
  • Computer Science has some features in common with language learning, including pattern recognition, syntax and textual analysis. However, they are not identical, with Computer Science focused on practical problem-solving skills, logical challenges and understanding of how computers function, which are distinct from what is learned in language classes.
  • Students who will gain the most are those who enjoy creating applications with computers. Examples include working with design software, programming languages, database software, video game creation programs or computer hardware.
  • More broadly, the course should benefit any students with strong interest in how computers work, solving problems in a logical way or the effect technology has on society.

Subject Group: Science

These subjects demonstrate how to explore nature using carefully planned methods, and teach the basic methods and findings of scientific investigation.

Career Sectors

This subject builds skills and knowledge that are particularly useful for careers in the following Career Sectors:

Grades Awarded


Explore Marks Distribution for all Subjects:

Course Overview

Click here for Coursework Project Brief.

Computer science is the study of computers and algorithmic processes. Leaving Certificate Computer Science includes how programming and computational thinking can be applied to the solution of problems, and how computing technology impacts the world around us.

The specification is constructed into 3 strands, whose learning outcomes are interwoven. The 3 strands are:

1. Practices and principle

2. Core concept

3. Computer science in practice

Students will learn:

  • The practices and principles of computer science, such as computational thinking, computers and society, and creative desig
  • How to analyse problems in computational terms and understand concepts such as abstraction, logic, algorithms, computer systems, data representation and evaluatio
  • Programming languages and how to read, write, test and modify computer programs
  • The process of designing computational artefacts such as web pages, digital animations, simulations, games, apps and robotic systems
  • The ethical, historical, environmental and technological aspects of computer science, and how it impacts the social and economic development of society

The role of programming in computer science is like that of practical work in the other subjects— it provides motivation, and a context within which ideas are brought to life.

Students learn programming by solving problems through computational thinking processes and through practical applications such as applied learning tasks.

The Leaving Certificate Computer Science specification is designed for all students. It applies to many aspects of students’ lives and is therefore relevant to a wide range of student interests. It is situated within the context of senior cycle education.


Course Content

Course Structure

The course is structured in three core strands,

Learning Outcomes

At the close of the course, students will be assessed on their understanding of the following learning goals

  • The fundamentals of computer technologies and their potential applications.
  • Understanding how computers work and how they can be used to address problems and design solutions.
  • How to read, write, test and modify computer programs.
  • How computers work and how their component parts interrelate.
  • The ethical, social and environmental role of information technology, in today's world as well as the past and the future.
  • Ability to communicate effectively and work both independently and collaboratively.
  • Be a responsible, competent, confident, reflective and creative user of computing technology.

Exam Structure

Computer Science Higher Ordinary
Computer Based Assesment 70% of Marks 70% of Marks
Coursework Assesment 30% of Marks 30% of Marks

There are two assessment components at each level, an end-of-course examination (70%) and coursework assesment (30%).

The end-of-course examination will be made up of a range of question types. It is anticipated the exam will be computer-based.

The questions will require students to demonstrate knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation and creativity appropriate to each level. The key skills are embedded in the learning outcomes and will be assessed in the context of the learning outcomes.

The examination will assess:

  • knowledge and recall of facts, principles and methods relating to computer science application of knowledge and understanding of the principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation, and how to analyse problems in computational terms
  • ability to write code and to compile, test and debug program code
  • ability to evaluate computer systems that solve problems, making reasoned judgements about these and presenting conclusions
  • problem solving based on integration, analysis and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative information and data, using knowledge gained from all three strands
  • understanding of the ethical, historical, environmental and technological aspects of Computer Science, and of how computer science contributes to the social and economic development of society

The examination will have sections covering questions that address

  • Computer science topics across the entire specificatio
  • Practical questions requiring the use of a programming language
  • Questions based on contexts and drawn from across different areas of the specification

Coursework Assesment

Leaving Certificate Computer Science does not require a specific language. However, for the initial years of the subject, Python and JavaScript will be the languages used in the end-of-course assessment and the coursework assessment; this will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. There is no restriction in choice of language used in the strand 3 applied learning tasks.

Career Possibilities

Students will be graduating into a world influenced at every level by technology. The Computer Science course will have equipped them with skills and knowledge that will help them thrive in this world. The course aims to give them the learning habits and critical thinking outlook to adapt to rapidly changing technology.

The range of career opportunities is wide, including software developers, IT support and data analysts. Beyond this the skills learned will be transferable to a much broader range of career paths, the problem solving, logical thinking and programming skills developed in the course will be of value in many workplaces and activities.

3rd Level Requirements

Required for 3rd Level?

Computer Science

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