Disability Supports

Fund for Students with Disabilities

Funding is allocated to further and higher education colleges for the provision of services and supports to full-time students with disabilities (€950 per student with a disability except for students who require high cost supports, such as Irish Sign Language Interpreters, Personal Assistants and students with transport needs). It allows colleges to provide specialised equipment and support the specific needs of a learner with a disability. 

Applications to the Fund are made on behalf of an eligible student by their college following an assessment of need. The college receives the funding and  puts supports in place on the student’s behalf. Eligible students can receive assistance through the Fund from Level 5 right up to doctoral Level.

Students do not have to be in the first year of a course to be eligible to apply for the Fund. Application for the first time can be made during any year of study on an approved course at further or higher education level. 

Find out more about the Fund for Students with Disabilities here or contact the Disability or Access office in your college.

The NUI O'Brien Award Scheme for Students with Disabilities

Awards with a total value of €11,000 are available to new entrant undergraduate students registered for the first year of a primary degree programme, in one of the constituent universities or recognised colleges of the NUI, who have serious physical disabilities. The value of individual awards may vary from year to year, depending on the number of awards granted. Closing Date for applications is first monday in November annually.

Further details can be obtained here or from the Disability Office in the NUI colleges.

CRC - Dr. Ciaran Barry Graduate Scholarship

This scholarship is reserved for a postgraduate student with a disability and is open to any academic discipline. Applicants must be graduates of a recognised university or third-level institution. Candidates sitting their final examinations may also apply. A proposal must be submitted on a special application form, outlining the research topic, proposed methodology, timescale, expected outcomes and funding requirements. All proposals must have a significant research component. All grants will, in general, cover one academic year. A longer period may be agreed if the study is deemed to warrant an extension. The continuation and termination of the scholarship will be at the discretion of the Trustees of the CRC Research Trust. The scholarship is advertised in the public press in late February or early March annually with a closing date for completed applications in mid May.

For more information and application form click here

Google Europe Computer Science Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

Google has partnered with EmployAbility, a nonprofit organisation who assist students with disabilities while they pursue education and careers. Scholarships are awarded based on the strength of the applicant's academic background, leadership skills and demonstrated passion for Computer Science.

Full details are available here

Other Sources of Information

If you are a student with a disability looking for advice and support for returning to education contact AHEAD. AHEAD promotes full access and participation in third-level education for learners with disabilities, also helping them gain employment after graduating. AHEAD provides an information service to learners and has developed information sheets and other key resources for learners.

The AHEAD website is a one-stop shop for information on legislation, funding, learning supports, training, projects, work placements and assistive technology. You can also call them on (01) 716 4396. includes a comprehensive Disability Guide that addresses many of the questions regarding supports and information for students with a disability. To view click here
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