Leaving Cert Subjects

Useful Subject Tips

The following information is a brief summary of things to consider about each subject when choosing what to study for Leaving Cert.

For detailed information on each subject, browse the Leaving Cert Subjects tab.


Although studied by the majority of students, the uptake of higher-level Irish is significantly lower than other subjects. If you would like to apply to study Primary School Teaching in Ireland, Higher Level Irish is a requirement. 


This is a good higher-level subject for the average student, provided they are prepared to read extensively. Strong written expression is required to achieve a good result.


It is a relatively straightforward subject for those who are good at maths, but tends to be perceived as time-consuming. If you choose to study higher level maths it is worth noting that you will be rewarded an extra 25 points provided you achieve a H1 - H6 grade. Maths is not a requirement for every course and the number of courses now accepting foundation level maths has increased. Filter relevant courses on the CourseFinder here. 


The history course has been extended beyond military and political history to include social and cultural issues. Students can secure up to 20% of their overall marks by submitting a research paper on a selected topic from a range set out by the State Examinations Commission. The research project is graded before the actual exam. Students must present three essays in the higher Leaving Cert paper, plus a documents question.


This subject studies the relationship between human activity and the physical environment. It is an extremely wide curriculum. Students can undertake a geographic investigation worth 20% of the overall marks in the final examination. This is pre-submitted in April of sixth year and graded before the actual exam. It is worth noting that geography is accepted as a science subject for entry to both science and pharmacy at TCD.


Whether you study French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian or any other continental language for Leaving Cert, the three main elements are comprehension, oral and written presentation. Emphasis is on the ability to both understand and converse in the language studied. This is reflected in the fact that one-third of the final marks awarded are for aural and oral work.

The colleges of the National University of Ireland (NUI) have traditionally required a pass in a third language for entry to many courses in the NUI colleges at Maynooth, Dublin, Galway and Cork, and to a range of associated constituent colleges, all of which are listed on the NUI website.
More recently, NUI colleges dropped their third language requirement for Engineering and Science programmes. UCD also dropped the third language requirement for their Agricultural programmes. Nursing at NUI colleges never required a third language. A third language must be included for Arts, Human Sciences, Law, Social Science, Commerce, Medicine and Health Sciences and some other degrees. [For full details see NUI Matriculation Regulations]
Trinity College Dublin only requires two languages for most of its courses and it accepts Irish as a second language. UL, DCU and the Technological Universities do not require a third language for entry purposes to most of their courses, apart from those which involve the study of such a language. Students may qualify for an exemption from these requirements if they have a learning difficulty or if they were born outside of the state. Always contact the college in these cases.
The Technological Universities and DKIT generally do not require a language and so should have no impact on a candidate's ability to get place in one of their programmes. While not choosing a language will not affect entry to the majority of third level institutions, it can restrict choice to some extent.


A very suitable subject for the student taking higher-level Maths and Physics. Some students complete the programme as an additional after-school subject, taken in one or two periods per week, over the two years of the Leaving Cert.


Physics has a strong maths element (though it can be taken comfortably with ordinary level maths) and requires learning-off many formulae. Students must maintain a laboratory book, as there are 24 mandatory experiments, four of which are examined on the Leaving Cert paper.


Students taking chemistry must learn-off the chemical components of a series of prescribed experiments. They will be required to present the elements of four such experiments in their examination.


Students undertake 24 mandatory experiments, the details of which they record in their laboratory book. It is often perceived as an easier subject than physics or chemistry but this is not so. There are high failure rates at ordinary level.


This is a combination of Cooking, Home Economics, Biology and Business. It’s an interesting subject, but not the easy honour that some might imagine. 20% of the marks are for a course work journal, completed within normal class time, and pre-submitted in October of sixth year, prior to the written examination. The study of Food Science is a central part of this subject. Students also have the option of studying one of Social Studies, Textiles or Home Design.


This subject deals with current realities of a fast-changing business environment. It looks at how organisations are formed, financed and run. It also explores the services that support businesses such as insurance, banking, transport, as well as public service bodies.


Economics has a mathematical slant as well as graphic and theoretical work. It explores the inner workings of companies, and how they measure their success and progress. At a macro level, it examines the bigger picture - international trade, the role of government and the EU in controlling the economy, competition and markets. A good subject for the analytical student.


Students who enjoyed the bookkeeping part of Junior Cycle Business Studies should consider Accounting. Analysis and interpretation of accounts is the core activity at Leaving Cert level. For those with strong numeracy and reasoning skills.


Students are introduced to the dialogue between Science and Religion in the exploration of meaning and values in our societies. 20% of the marks are for the journal, which is submitted and graded prior to the examination.


Most students taking either option will be following on from Junior Cert. At Leaving Cert, Art involves work on the history and appreciation of art alongside the design and craftwork.


These practical subjects give students hands-on experience of working with tools and machinery. Students also undertake theoretical and background work for their final examinations.


Technology gives students a basic understanding of the principles of engineering, design and project management. If you enjoyed the technology programme at Junior Cert level, and like hands-on activity, this subject may develop an interest in a career in engineering or technology.

Finally, here are the top tips for Subject Choice!

-          Keep options open by choosing a 3rd Language and a Science

-          Choose subjects that you will enjoy doing

-          Choose subjects that you know you are good at

-          Discuss with your parents, teachers and friends

-          Research about each subject and its content here

-          Choose subjects linked to a possible future career

Explore our Detailed Guide to Leaving Cert subjects here.

Richard Kinsella, Managing Director

What subjects did you take in school and how have these influenced your career path?

None particularly. I was really interested in technology, which wasn't available in school.

Ask me another question!
Denis Reidy, Farmer - Dairy

What subjects did you take in school and how have these influenced your career path?

Generally I chose well & wouldn't change my choices. I started off studying Agricultural Science & Engineering for the Leaving Cert. which were both a help.

I attended Pallaskenry & Kildalton Agricultural colleges on route to completing the A.C.F.M. Course. 

I also completed various stints of work placements.

Ask me another question!
Emilia Gilroy, Garda

What subjects did you take in school and how have these influenced your career path?

In school I was not choosing any particular subjects to suit my career. I just did what I liked. When I went to college I studied Political science, but I never finished this course.

Ask me another question!