Transport & Logistics


Transport & Logistics


Given concerns over climate change, fuel emissions and traffic congestion, local authorities are looking to alternative sustainable transport options.

A number of Micromobility companies are already piloting shared E-bike schemes in Ireland and are poised to enter the E-Scooter market.

The Road Traffic & Roads Act 2023 clarified the legal position on the use of Powered Personal Transporters (PPTs) E-scooters and E-bikes. It aims to make our roads safer and remove the barriers to E-scooters which will not be legal on Irish roads until this legislation is enacted later this year.

In addition to the nearly 100,000 people that commute by cycling daily this is a new sector that is forecast to grow in the coming years as we move towards expanding safe, sustainable, low carbon modes of transport particularly for short journeys.

Drivers, marshalls and bike mechanics will be required to plan deployments, collect, repair and maintain bikes/scooters and be responsible for warehousing and stock control. Operations staff will be involved in the initial start-up phase to liaise with local authorities,  roll out pilot projects, train & manage staff, run safety campaigns, analyse data and manage the day to day logistics of running the business.

The Micromobility market worldwide is valued €3.2 billion but is expected to almost double by 2027.

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