Construction, Architecture & Property

Property Management & Auctioneering

Construction, Architecture & Property

Property Management & Auctioneering

What happens to buildings when they are completed? This is where the property sector enters. If you work in property you may find yourself developing new properties, overseeing the day to day maintenance of an office building or arranging the sale and purchase of apartments. In essence, the property sector is responsible for the management of the built environment.

Property firms work with both homes and workplaces, termed the residential and commercial sectors, but individual property firms will often focus on one sector.

Types of Property

Commercial Property

If you work for a commercial property firms you will oversee the ownership and occupation of property such as offices, shops and warehouses. The Commercial sector is one of the biggest, competitive and popular areas in the property business. You could work in an area such as occupational agency (finding properties for businesses), property management or investment property. Depending on the type of commercial property you’re working with the demands of the work will change. Managing an office block involves a very different workday to an industrial location.

Residential Property

If you’re more interested in helping people find homes, rather than workplaces, then residential property is where you want to be. Here you could find yourself working with anything from a millionaire’s mansion to affordable housing developments. Services include valuation, development, marketing, mortgage-broking and investment advice.

You will have a varied work day, working with a range of property types and clients from private individuals to property developers.

Career Paths

Reflecting the diversity of roles property firms take on, there are many career paths available. You could specialise in valuing and appraising property, providing consulting services, managing a set of property’s or managing relationships with large corporate clients. Perhaps the most well-known career in the sector is as a real estate agent, attempting to sell and rent out properties.

As a sector it is possible to find entry level roles without advanced qualifications as personal qualities such as organisation, communication abilities and work ethic will be valued, in real estate sales business knowledge and sales ability are vital. But academic credentials remain valuable and may be essential to advancement, especially in more complex or specialised roles.

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In Property Management & Auctioneering

Sample Careers in Property Management & Auctioneering
