Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant
Public Administration, Politics & EU

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

Jonathan Smyth is working as a Library Assistant in Cavan County Council. From an early age he was interested in History and books.  He completed a  BA in Information and Library Management at John Moores University in Liverpool and worked in various libraries and book shops before becoming a County Librarian.

Ask me a question!

What were the main 'career decision' milestones in your life so far?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I was first introduced to rare books through our family's antiquarian book business. Later on, in my secondary school days, I remember being approached to take over the running of the school library. Of course,I always had a liking for books and reading them, I thought this might be fun and ended up managing it for three years.

So when it came to college, I selected a number of course options including theology, librarianship and film/media studies. I opted for the course in Information and Library Management at John Moores University in Liverpool. In my University days, I joined the 'University Job Shop', which provided paid work, some of which took place in the local college libraries. I also worked for a short time at W.E. Gladstone's library (known as St. Deiniol's), in Hawarden Wales.

While in Birmingham I worked at a College library. Perhaps looking for a change of scene, I then worked in a shop for two years in Ireland, before returning back to the library business.

Who are the people who most influenced your career direction?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

Once I'd make my mind up to do something, I do it. However, the main influence for me would have come from home.

My mother would get me to help sort out the first edition books which were bought at various auctions around the country. I often accompanied her to Meeley's, Mulligan's and Eamon De Burca's on our purchasing trips. I was able to recognise and price books , having accumulated a wealth of knowledge.

On other occasions, we would attend book fairs at the Mansion House, Dublin, where we would sell much of the material. I can recall a two volume Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Flemming, which we sold to a Belgium collector for £300 a piece.

On other occasions, my mother and myself regularly visited Trinity College, Dublin. My mother not only received an MA in history from Trinity, but also worked there as a librarian. She would introduce me to many of the Professors and library staff.

I remember being fascinated by the workings of the library at Trinity College. My earliest memory was as a three year old getting in the lifts at the library in Trinity.

How did you go about getting your current job?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I had been hoping to get back into library work and spent many months scanning the newspapers. Eventually an advert appeared and I phoned Cavan County Council for an application form. After forwarding the application, I was called for interview.

Initially, a panel of successful candidates was prepared by the Council Interview Board. Some months later I got a phone call asking me if I would like to work for Cavan County Council as a Librarian. I could only have said yes, and to this day I have never looked back.

Describe a typical day?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

A typical day at Johnston Central Library, will begin at 9.45 am. In the morning there is lots to do such as shelving returned stock, or displaying the new batch of daily papers.

The library doors open at 10.30am, and immediately the show gets on the road, it can be very busy, but we have an excellent staff team to share the workload. The mornings are also reserved for schools to visit and select new books. My job also requires me to offer storytelling, games and activities to the schools who visit us.

Another area of work is that of the libraries excellent local history service. Each staff member has had training in local history studies and our assistance may be sought on a wide range of topics. I will often assist at events held in the library, these may include author visits or the launch of an art exhibition.

The library provides internet access which is very popular. The front desk duties involve registering new clients, issuing and checking in loan materials on our automated system. The library also facilitates groups with a meeting area; those who avail of this service include Irish language groups, reading groups and other community-based bodies.

What are the main tasks and responsibilities?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

The essence of librarianship is organisation and order. The old saying, 'a place for everything and everything in its place', strongly applies to the library. The map might not be the territory, but its easier to locate materials when they are shelved in the correct classification order.

Customer service skills are very important, if you can't meet and greet your members, then they may not remain members for long. Flexibility of character is a must, the library calls upon a wide variety of skills. For example, these may range from assisting with genealogical enquiries, front desk duties or setting up an exhibition.

What are the main tasks and responsibilities?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

The essence of librarianship is organisation and order. The old saying, 'a place for everything and everything in its place', strongly applies to the library. The map might not be the territory, but its easier to locate materials when they are shelved in the correct classification order.

Customer service skills are very important, if you can't meet and greet your members, then they may not remain members for long. Flexibility of character is a must, the library calls upon a wide variety of skills. For example, these may range from assisting with genealogical enquiries, front desk duties or setting up an exhibition.

What are the main challenges?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

Generally, library members and researchers can keep you on your toes, each new day brings a new array of requests. Its also important, as librarians that we keep up to date on library policies which affect the day to day running of the library.

While our internet facility has sophisticated software to block unwelcome sites, its always important to make sure nothing escapes our attention, by reporting it immediately to I.T.

What do you like most?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

You will get to know all the latest book releases and may have opportunities to meet a visiting author. Librarians will have an input in creating and organising library events.

The Library is a place where you are working within a team, and we are people who enjoy working among the public. I think you also need to have a liking for knowledge and learning, a good general knowledge is an asset.

It can be very satisfying to successfully assist people find what they want, whether this may be on, (for example), building a garden shed or screen writing. Each morning I look forward to my days work, that to me is cool.

Is there anything that isn't great?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

If material is returned to the library in a damaged state, I will have to ask for the cost of the item in order to replace it. This is not always popular with members but you must persist firmly when pursuing such a matter.

Sometimes, collecting overdue fines can be a point of contention, again staying calm but acting firmly is required. In essence we are providing a service and must be seen to do so effectively.

What particular skills do you bring to your workplace?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I have good customer skills, I enjoy working with people. I also bring my knowledge of history to our Local History Department. I regularly attend history lectures and I write articles on historical subjects during my home life, this all benefits this area of my job.

I have also had opportunities to work with schools and enjoy reading stories to groups of children. I tend to be an organiser and like to know that everything is in its correct place when I go to find it.

What subjects did you take in school and how have these influenced your career path?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I chose honours subjects in English, History, Geography, and Home Economics. Ordinary level subjects included Maths, Irish and French. I often regret not doing a science subject, but I do feel that a good command of English is essential. Other than that, an Irish subject is required for a job in the Public Library Service in Ireland.

What is your education to date?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I have my leaving certificate. In the 1990's, I headed for Liverpool, where I obtained my BA in Information and Library Management (accredited). From time to time, I avail of course training through my employer, this includes first aid, defibrillator training and the E.C.D.L.

What aspects of your education have proven most important for your job?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

Parts of my course which involved using information sources, taking enquiries and providing excellent customer skills were invaluable. Other modules, such as Archive and Record Management and Publicity and Public Relations were of equal benefit.

What have been the most rewarding events in your career so far?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I am very proud to say that I'm part of an excellent staff team at Johnston Central Library. You could not wish to have nicer people to work with.

I enjoy all aspects of my work, but my knowledge and interest has given me a particular leaning towards the History Department. I would like to be remembered for the contribution I could make in this area.

What personal qualities do you have that helps you in your career?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

Being organised and knowing that everything is in its correct place is very important to me.

I also like to think that I have a genuine interest in people and like to do my best to help with their requests.

What is your dream job?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I would like to be a full-time researcher, history writer and lecturer.

Does your job allow you to have a lifestyle you are happy with?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

The hours are good, you still have enough time in the evening to follow pursuits which interest you. In the last number of years, I got married abroad, in fact, in Cyprus and my wife and I bought our new home in 2005.

The house has a study/ writing room, to which I go in the evening time. I'm not big on excessive luxuries but we do have a car and like to go on family holidays, usually somewhere hot like Spain. I also have my series of dvd collections, for example 007 movies and cult t.v. shows like 'The Prisoner', which I regularly add to. We also have a lovely garden where the children can play and I can relax, if only!.

What advice would you give to someone considering this job?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

  • You will need a genuine interest in people, ie good customer skills.
  • You must have good communication skills and a knowledge and liking of books.
  • Organising and putting yourself forward for projects is something you will need to do.
  • Enthusiasm is essential.

What are the three most important personal characteristics required for the job?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

  • Communication skills
  • Customer skills
  • A willingness to learn.

What is your favourite music?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I like John Barry, Puccini, Boney M and the Beatles.

What is your favourite film?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

Yes!, I hold my hands up, guilty as charged. I am a self confessed James Bond fan, my favourite film is 'You Only Live Twice'. Its not Shakespeare, but I do find the title song appealing and I also like the wonderful Japanese locals which are featured. Roald Dahl wrote the screenplay only as he could.

What is your pet hate at work?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I detest dealing with persons who start a conversation on their mobile phones while you are in the middle of assisting them.

What is your star sign?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

Virgo; only the best !.

Have you undertaken, or do you plan to undertake any further training as part of your job?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

I would like to take an MA in Local History and I'm currently investigating my options.

What kinds of work experience would provide a good background for this position?

Jonathan Smyth, Library Assistant

Any employment which includes administrative duties, filing information and dealing with the public is a help.

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